Welcome to Cove

Element boards => Citizen Board => Topic started by: Maccen on July 25, 2008, 11:58:12 am

Title: * A flier posted around Cove*
Post by: Maccen on July 25, 2008, 11:58:12 am
Maccen's General Store

Now Stocking:
Leather and hides in lots of 500 pelts!
Bolts of cloth in lots of 6 Bolts!
Cooked food in lots of 20 EA per Bundle!
Recall Scrolls in lots of 10 and 20!
Assorted Potions in Sets of 5 !

More goods to come soon!

Maccen's General store is located  Northeast of the
Yew/Brit Crossroads in the Altmere at Mr Kobra's Home
on the Second floor just off the stairs!!

Please be sure to pay us a visit!