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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Darek Milako on July 27, 2008, 07:19:22 pm

Title: A True Covian Training
Post by: Darek Milako on July 27, 2008, 07:19:22 pm
*Darek sits in a corner and gets out sketches, paper, and quill*

A True Covian Trainin' Session

Lead By:Junior Grenadier Darek Milako II
Attended By: Regular Guardsman Kas Valentine
                                Guardsman Recruit Baolin
                                Watchman Marcus Kobra
                                Regular Guardsman Perrin
                                Junior Grenadier Falconheart

Well as there was a nice group o' men in teh barracks, Ah took i' upon mehself teh round 'em up fer a Trainin'. Ah knew tha' they were all rusteh an' fa'. So Ah took 'em up to teh roof fer some refreshin' o' their brain an' figure. *Thinks about Kas wobbling his belly and then shivers* So we go' up there an' Ah started wit' teh normal commands afteh pointin' ou' Kas 'as grown lazeh an' fa', bu' 'e says tha's 'is fashion.
A' firs' Watchman Kobra was off in 'is own world, bu' 'e eventually came to. So Ah started wit' teh Left Face, Right Face, Abou' Face commands. They did exceptionally well, they even danced when told. Tha's a group o' men Ah wouldn' mind fightin' next to. Nex' Ah started wit' teh Form command. Ah even tried to trick 'em by sayin' Don't Form, an' none of 'em moved. Grand ears this lot 'ad.
Next was exercise, t'is didn' run well wit' them, bu' they needed i'. Especially Kas. So Ah started wit' makin' run some laps. Five teh be exact, Ah nay wanted meh men teh fall o'er throwin' up their pies Ahm sure they 'ad jus' before. *Remembers Kas' Belly and shivers once more.*
So they all listened an' ran their laps excep' Kobra Ah believe. So Ah gave 'im Six laps. Which 'e ran wit' no problem. Nex' the men started talkin jibberish so Ah 'ad no idea wha' was goin' on. If our men were teh fight wit' words, we'd win, tey know 'ow teh confuse ye' wit' ease. Nex' was fer some pushups, Ah made 'em do ten. Ah was worried tha' once Kas go' down, 'e wasn' gonna ge' back up. Bu' 'e pulled i' ou' an' completed i' wit' ease. Was fun teh watch too! So after all this was done, i' was time fer 'ealin' trainin'. So, jus' like teh great Covian Ah am, Ah did i' teh Covian way. Ah asked 'em if they knew 'ow teh use a bandage. They said yes so tha' was over wit' simple. Now was time fer the mos' favorite o' parts. Free-For-All.
So Ah sent 'em teh their corners an' excused mehself, meh reason was Ah nay wanted teh 'urt 'em. Which is completely true. So they 'ad at i' an' not surprisingly, Junior Grenadier Falconheart came ou' champion. Ah nay expected anehthin' differen' o' course. Tha' jus' showed tha' if Cove is in trouble. Call Falconheart.
Well Grand job lads. Nice show o' Grenadier power Falc.
                                                                           *Signed Swiftly*
                                                               Junior Grenadier Darek Milako II

Title: Re: A True Covian Training
Post by: Raiden Morana on July 28, 2008, 01:44:51 pm

Good ter see a few more Grenadiers on duty!

Well done Darek.


Raiden, Grenadier Captain.

Title: Re: A True Covian Training
Post by: Kas Valentine on July 28, 2008, 01:54:27 pm
Grand training there Darek, you know I may even have lost some weight, not to worry though I'll take a journey to Britain and fill it back up with some pies.

Signed in delightfully flamboyant handwriting,
Regular Guardsman Kas Valentine.