Title: Sentry at Altmere, oh fun! *sarcasm* Post by: Darek Milako on July 28, 2008, 05:35:01 pm *Darek takes out quill and paper and begins to write while muttering something about shiney armored men*
Sentry at Altmere Garrison Lead By: Watchman Marcus Kobra Attended By: Junior Grenadier Darek Milako II Regular Guardsman Kas Valentine Sergeant Hoagie Regular Guardsman Perrin Guardsman Recruit Halen Well i' sounded like a goo' idea teh go, so Ah wen'. Ah volunteered teh write t'is damned repor'. *Mutters, thinking it would've been a better idea to hide instead of volunteer* So Ah made sure Ah knew wha' was too crazy teh write abou' an' wha' was acceptable. So we 'eaded teh Altmere in teh worst "Trackers Line" Ah evah seen. So on teh way there Perrin decides teh speak abou' Hoagie's mum in fightin' words. Tha' was interestin', jus' teh find ou' Hoagie's mum 'as passed away. So Hoagie returns some fightin' words, jus' again teh find out Perrin's mum 'as passed away. Wha' a waste o' time tha' was. (http://img357.imageshack.us/img357/9797/altmeresentry1rg0.png) So off we go, we finally ge' there an' Hoagie enforces the command card, makin' teh lower rankin' men build teh sentry. Meh, on teh ot'er 'and decided teh cheer up teh place wit' song. So as Ah sing an' teh men build, nothin' excitin' 'appens. Onleh t'in so far was killin' an Ettin. (http://img355.imageshack.us/img355/6985/altmeresentry2wd1.png) Then finally somethin' 'appens. We ge' ambushed by guard pansies. We were outnumbered bu' still fought 'em off wit' one casualty. Bu' teh protect tha' person Ah shall nay say 'is name. *Hopes people will look at the sketches to see who it was* So we clear teh area an' stand guard as Kobra an' 'e who shall nay beh named wen' inside teh fix up teh wound. Teh surgery Ah 'eard was nay tha' grand, bu' Kobra though' 'e was the shite. So as tha' 'appened teh rest o' us stood outside to endure teh borin' place tha' is Altmere. (http://img355.imageshack.us/img355/4537/altmeresentry3px3.png) So as tha' 'appened we wen' teh roun' up. We were goin' teh take toll fer any person tha' shall pass. An' teh Yewish got i' pu' on there tab. Sadleh teh say nobodeh passed. An' now angrily teh say, somebodeh passed righ' after we tore i' down. *Mumbles* So we gathered up, seein' tha' we 'ad a soldier go AWAL. Poor Kobra. An' we 'eaded back 'ome. Teh joy tha' is a sentry eh? (http://img371.imageshack.us/img371/8006/altmeresentry4ae4.png) *Signed Swiftly* Junior Grenadier Darek Milako Title: Re: Sentry at Altmere, oh fun! *sarcasm* Post by: Raiden Morana on July 28, 2008, 05:42:25 pm Good work men!
Tax the Yewlanders I say! *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Captain. Title: Re: Sentry at Altmere, oh fun! *sarcasm* Post by: Kas Valentine on July 28, 2008, 05:43:17 pm Dear me, s'typical of those Waywatchers to pick on our
Signed in twinkling runic handwriting, Regular Guardsman Kas Valentine. Title: Re: Sentry at Altmere, oh fun! *sarcasm* Post by: Baolin on July 29, 2008, 12:40:23 am I Baolin Guardsman Recruit was there ye Bronz clad foo'. It was i that had the report and ye was wanten to know who had it, Then ye said ye needed two more so I said you could do it and ye accepted it so nay crying about it nows.
[Walks off Mumbling about pushy people] Title: Re: Sentry at Altmere, oh fun! *sarcasm* Post by: Marcus Kobra on July 29, 2008, 05:49:52 am Aye Gentlmen! A fine job! Chased those Yew bastards off we did! Who in the Abyss was it went AWOL !? I want names and ranks! I'm filling paper work on who ever arse it was ran off on his comrades! Only place for cowards is under the lash!
*Signed neatly* Marcus Kobra, Watchman, Army of Cove |