Title: training Post by: Jane on August 02, 2008, 04:48:30 pm When: 31-7-2008
Where: Covian barracks Commanding Officer: Sergeant Hoagie Guardsmen in attendance: - Marcus Kobra , Watchman - Baolin , guardsman recruit - Jon Trent , junior guardsman - Jane , guardsman recruit What : Sergeant Hoagie took us up to the traininggrounds up the roof to do some training . First he inspected our gear . Then he trained our physical condition by making us do several excercises. We started with pushups , then did situps and ended with running five laps around the arena . It was hard but the sergeant didn't gave us a moment rest and continued with the training . Next the sergeant started to hit us with a stick and we had to heal eachother , making sure nobody fell. And we did succeeded in this , which means that either we were very good at healing or the sergeant hits like a little child . Then we did some target practice . The sergeant shouted one of our names and then the others had to hit him . That was a real fun excercise except the part when they got to hit me. We ended training by a free for all round. I managed to stay on my feet till only the sergeant was left but got beaten by him . After this the sergeant ended the training and we were all dismissed. I think we all had fun but apparently it's a custom that after the training you insult the sergeant behind his back , cursing him for the hell he put you trough. I guess i stil have a lot to learn . Jane , guardsman recruit (http://img111.imageshack.us/img111/9595/uo0247ne5.jpg) (http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/4788/uo0251oj7.jpg) (http://img352.imageshack.us/img352/8819/uo0258vk1.jpg) (http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/5719/uo0260ss5.jpg) Title: Re: training Post by: Kas Valentine on August 02, 2008, 04:57:24 pm The sergeant....? Hoh hell aye, he's a big fat mean bearded monster with a face like a smacked bottom, insulting him is an obligation to Cove don't you worry about that. Good to see you got a little training and compliments on your first report, especially the delightfully evocative sketches, a fine job ! But don't listen to me, I'm a big tree hugging ninny who still wets the bed.
Signed in twirling incandescent handwriting, Regular Guardsman Kas Valentine. *Adds to the note in slightly less graceful handwriting.* Title: Re: training Post by: Raiden Morana on August 02, 2008, 05:04:49 pm *Raiden glances at the report and nods approvingly*
[ooc]Good first report Jane![/ooc] |