Title: REVENGE Post by: Jessica Goldeye on August 03, 2008, 03:52:49 am Oh i got a beating in jail but oh i let it out on one of those that made it worse... i snuck into his shop Knocked out one of his Men that work there and i waited... oh i was ready... soon the dwarf came in and i came down on him like a Wolf on a hurt rabit. we took himout took his gold and when he woke i had my buddy hold em and i started busting the place up the little rat strugled so much i just Poped em with the hammer to the neck He was down not moving so I light a fire figuring Missing is better then dead!
(http://img128.imageshack.us/img128/8830/heathisdownca5.png) (http://imageshack.us) -Belts Title: Re: REVENGE Post by: Linaeus on August 03, 2008, 06:23:55 am I know ye bloody fool - I was there! I -told- ye not ter kill 'im! T'feck if I'm takin' the blame fer this 'un. Still, tha'll teach the gits to cross us, eh!? "Ye mess with us an' we'll kill yer arse", it says. It'll have 'em shaking in their boots. A grand job (other than ye getting me involved in a murder)!
- Lenny Infamy Awarded: 120 |