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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Maccen on August 03, 2008, 11:38:05 am

Title: Paying off a debt.
Post by: Maccen on August 03, 2008, 11:38:05 am
*The personal account of Maccen J. Korten to an unidentified persons*

It was getting constricting. All this servating for Marcus.... So I stacked out a few homes. You'd never beleive it. I found a home right. All abandoned near Yew. I stole inside, and managed to rumage the personal files of the owner, This place was huge! Huge I tell ya. So after I made a copy of the land deed.... I went off to Nujlem for the races. Not dog races, or foot races. Boat races! I had a little more for the wager than most can handle... but I know the right guys! I used the deed as collateral and placed my bet on the best boat crew.  It paid off well! Due to a clerical error.... one of the participants did not have cash at the Nujelm bank! Haha, he had to give up his housing deed to cover the cost. With the bet being illigal he couldn't negotiate with the bank for the money sooo I aquired a new home for Marcus. Not bad for a days work. I took a loan using the forged deed as colateral and set off for Altemere coincedently! A few repairs later an I showed Marcus my gift to him! A home 4 times the size of his previous! Seems I'm off scott free Boss.

What jobs do you have for me now that my debt are out of our way?

{OOC: This information is suplemental to how Marcus has his new home, it is not considered general knowledge!}