Title: Virus infection Post by: Farfar on August 03, 2008, 05:36:03 pm 'Lo!
I guess there was some time since I was seen in Cove, due to my imprisonment, but now I have another thief of time on me. I attended a LAN last week (was like ages since I was at one last time) And a bloke in the LAN, visited a hacker team site, known as forscham or something, without any firewall. These hackers has some enemies of their own, so KAZAAM! and all computers got a mastervirus, the worst virus I've ever seen, The background turned into a biohazard sign, saying "you're computer has been infected" and it took over the admin, erased much of the start-folder and "command [CMD]" could not be opened. Conveniently (without any internet con, now), alot of antispyware appeared on the desktop, pleading to be run every two minutes (like 4 programs). We all decided that the best thing to do, was to nuke our computers. Thus, Ultima Online, among many other programs, went into the grave, along with the most crucial software... My wireless network cards software. A wireless network card, that I had been given by a friend about 2 years ago. I don't have the software to it, which means nI don't have an internet connection. I have to buy a new wireless network card from the computer store, which, of course, is closed for the vacations. This means, my friends, that it will take even MORE time until I'm back in Cove. I'm working on it. *Signed with thick handwriting* Farfar. Title: Re: Virus infection Post by: qom_riyadh on August 04, 2008, 06:35:45 am Oh man ;D
You got pnwd by 4chan LOL Ok, sorry. Uhm, PM/msn/email me the wireless card details (as many as you can find on it) and i'll try to help you. Yes yes, nobody f*ck with the Anonymous! Hear hear! Title: Re: Virus infection Post by: Hoagie on August 04, 2008, 12:27:31 pm Except apparently #raidchan, who can merrily mess with everyone. ::)
Good luck Farfar! Hope everything is resolved swiftly! Title: Re: Virus infection Post by: Farfar on August 06, 2008, 04:21:33 pm I'm back in UO. Now there's only the imprisonment left :D
Title: Re: Virus infection Post by: Hoagie on August 06, 2008, 05:58:05 pm The way it should be, you troublemaker. ;)
Title: Re: Virus infection Post by: Marcus Kobra on August 06, 2008, 11:24:46 pm Arrrr! Somedya we shall know wh oahs y and be able to earch effectivly!