Title: *A Copy Of A Letter... Post by: Raiden Morana on August 05, 2008, 11:55:12 am Sent In To The Morning Poste*
I find the threats eminating from Yew towards the Duchy of Trinsic quit appalling. Then again it is what we have come to expect from those who claim to fight in the King's name. I find it curious that these so called "fellow" Loyalists along with the Britanians and Skarans did nought to help Trinsic in her hour of need during the recent water shortage and it was left to the free people of Cove to offer the much needed aid. The free town of Minoc has already fallen under the yoke of Loyalist oppression and Cove must now defend it's borders from the tyranny of the King's forces. Will their lust for power make them turn their gaze to Trinsic one wonders? It would seem that the Duchy is the only Loyalist town with any sense of honour. *signed & stamped with the Covian seal* Raiden Morana, Grenadier Captain. |