Title: *The Last Report* Post by: Darek Milako on August 06, 2008, 07:31:43 pm *Sitting down, Darek smiles and writes with excitement, for this is his last report as a Junior.*
Patrol to the Orcish Camp Lead By:Regular Junior Grenadier Darek Milako Attended By:Regular Guardsman Kas Valentine Watchman Marcus Kobra Guardsman Recruit Yenril Darkeye Ah needed one more repor', an' a few goo' men were on. So Ah took teh privilage o' gatherin' 'em up fer a patrol to teh Orc Camp. So off we wen'. Meh an' Kas arrived there firs' an' 'ad teh wait fer a while fer teh other two. So aftah abou' an hour wait, they finally showed up. An' tha's when we began our battle inteh teh camp teh slay green skinned beasts. (http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/3582/finalreport1lj8.png) So we figh' our way inside an' slay 'undreds o' thousands o' orcs wit' (http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/8111/finalreport2uc1.png) So aftah slayin' teh Orcish armeh's we took their gold an' 'eaded 'ome. Now we can all sleep safe tonight, an' Ahm off duty fer teh res' o' teh week. Ho! *Signed Swiftly* |