Title: Report: Assault on the Inquisitor.... Post by: Kas Valentine on August 06, 2008, 11:33:10 pm Guardsmen in attendance:
Watchman Delferium. Watchman Marcus Kobra. Guardsman Recruit Torrak Keres. Regular Scout Kal Shadowhand. Guardsmen facing arrest: Guardsman Recruit Yenril Darkeyes. Member of the church: Inquisitor Odenetheus. I arrived at the barracks as the afternoon passed into evening and discovered a group of Covian's shouting by the shore of the ocean. As I approached the recruit, Yenril Darkeyes, was fighting in the water with Inquisitor Odenetheus and doing everything he could to try and submerge his opponent. We managed to rescue the Inquisitor and pull him to shore. Unfortunately the recruit clambered aboard his waiting vessel and attempted to make good his escape. Under direct orders from the church the assembled guardsmen and I opened fire upon Darkeyes with whatever means we had. We succeeded in knocking him down and his ship, unaided, made landfall to the north of us. I received word from Odenethesus to arrest the recruit as soon as possible and prepare him for punishment at the hands of the Avatar. Marcus, Delferium and Torrak were in the process of coaxing Yenril from his vessel when I arrived. The suspect was at this point resorting to self harm, doubtless in fear of what the church would do to him, I ordered the guardsmen to keep an eye on him and went to speak with Cove's harbourmaster. With a few rushed words I was able to acquire a vessel and swiftly raised anchor and headed towards the scene. Upon my arrival I had the guardsmen jump aboard and we proceeded to board Darkeye's boat and relieve him of his weapons (thus preventing further self harm since he had already worked himself into a terrible state). Once we managed to drag him from his vessel, which given his love for it wasn't the easiest of situations, we put Yenril up in the Covian Healers. A very focused effort to ease the recruits suffering ensued. Delferium tended to him personally and later fetched a healer, I sealed the wounds with a heated blade at Kal's suggestion while Marcus and Torrak tried to find a member of Command (with no success). Eventually we were able to subdue the accused with a blend of herbs we received from Delferium's healer. Torrak took care of anchoring the Darkeye vessel since it was a great source of worry for the paitent. Odenetheus made it clear that the suspect was to be swiftly tried by the church, as soon as possible. With this is mind I ushered the guardsmen from the Healers once Darkeye was asleep and set about penning this report. Let it be known that all four guardsmen; Marcus Kobra. Torrak Keres. Delferium. Kal Shadowhand. All expressed their wishes to testify in regard to the progression of the situation. Each one performed exceptionally given the sudden nature of what happened. Should any further light need to be shed on the matter I would advise members of the church to speak with them individually. Signed very officially in carefully considered handwriting, Regular Guardsman Kas Valentine. |