Title: Sentry at the Gates Post by: Linaeus on August 08, 2008, 02:37:18 am Sentry at the Gates of Cove
Led By: Torrak Keres, Guardsman Recruit Attended By: Fla Goldhammer, Marcus Kobra, Watchman Kas Valentine, Regular Guardsman As the night wore on and the crowd at the tavern dissapated, I found myself alone with Regular Valentine - who appeared to be sleeping. I woke him, suggesting a patrol, and we set off for the barracks to see who else we could find. We were joined by Watchman Kobra, who suggested I ring the bell to attract more guardsmen, (http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c190/Warbringer/SENTRY_8_7_08.jpg) All was quiet at the gates, so after we'd built our fortifications Regular Valentine fetched us breakfast, which the Floor Scrubber promptly pushed me onto. Regular Valentine helped me to my feet, giving me a branch left over from the construction of the Sentry to help me stand. I ordered the Sentry dismantled, and dismissed the men before *scrabbled sloppily* Title: Re: Sentry at the Gates Post by: Vince Valentine on August 08, 2008, 08:08:53 am Bloody hell, sounds like a dangerous evening, and that's with no enemies bothering you!
Good stuff anywho lads, vital part of Covian safety, is the Sentry. *Signed carefully* Vince Valentine, Grenadier Sergeant Title: Re: Sentry at the Gates Post by: Kas Valentine on August 08, 2008, 09:42:23 am S'dangerous Vince, I tell yer, hence the reason we were the men for the job. If we staffed our gates with any old guardsmen we'd risk the safety and sanctity of glorious Cove (not to mention my shimmering good looks). As a side note Fla Goldhammer and fire do not mix. Good sentry there Torrak, you braved all challenges with ease !
Signed in twirling flamboyant handwriting with little happy faces above certain letters, Regular Guardsman Kas Valentine. |