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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Perrin on August 08, 2008, 05:32:26 am

Title: G&J Tower is going IDOC
Post by: Perrin on August 08, 2008, 05:32:26 am
The infamous G&J tower northwest of the barracks in currently decaying. Thought I would give everyone a heads up to make sure that at long last this excellent piece of land falls into Covian hands!   ;D

I would love to snatch up the plot myself (being the greedy little git that I am), but alas, I will most likely be at work during the collapse. It would make a spectacular spot for a lighthouse. :(

Title: Re: G&J Tower is going IDOC
Post by: Marcus Kobra on August 08, 2008, 08:42:25 pm
weve 3 lighthouses countin the one IN Cove! Stop with the light houses! Good luck to whom ever gets the land or any juicey peices of history that all out of that tower! (be surprised waht people collected that were one-time only items, such as shirts labbeled  "A Green Shirt")


Title: Re: G&J Tower is going IDOC
Post by: Perrin on August 09, 2008, 02:22:42 am
We only have two lighthouses! The southern one is no longer standing, and I'd be moving mine to the new plot if I managed to get it.  :)

Title: Re: G&J Tower is going IDOC
Post by: Marcus Kobra on August 10, 2008, 05:20:51 am
Splicing the hairs with them technicalities arnt we??

Title: Re: G&J Tower is going IDOC
Post by: Kas Valentine on August 10, 2008, 01:52:51 pm
S'fairly worn now so perhaps two days left until it comes tumbling down !

S'all stand underneath it with buckets eh? ;D

Title: Re: G&J Tower is going IDOC
Post by: Kelly Sanderson on August 11, 2008, 01:41:26 am
If no-one else can think of much use for it, I'll take it gladly, depending on whether I have a free house slot by then.

Title: Re: G&J Tower is going IDOC
Post by: Marcus Kobra on August 11, 2008, 04:23:18 am
Hmm wonder how many people havnt got a house? Might fit a FEW plots there :D I mean we do need more homes and all!

Good luck to those with buckets!

(Rembering such, Delferium and Lenny need ot get with me regarding buckets!)

Title: Re: G&J Tower is going IDOC
Post by: Perrin on August 11, 2008, 06:14:25 am
Just don't allow it to fall into the hands of the UbAr L33t blues!

*Shakes his fist at the general UO population*

Title: Re: G&J Tower is going IDOC
Post by: Jessica Goldeye on August 11, 2008, 06:38:36 am
*designs the plans for a Nice cri8minal estate for Grace*

Title: Re: G&J Tower is going IDOC
Post by: Kas Valentine on August 11, 2008, 01:50:11 pm
Greatly worn now, day or so to go ! :o

(PS; Keep seeing a lot of blue names around the barracks the last few days so if you're trying to place be prepared to punch some people in the face)

(PPS; IDOC alert, IDOC alert, so either tonight or tomorrow morning)

Title: Re: G&J Tower is going IDOC
Post by: Delfer on August 12, 2008, 04:55:42 pm

The tower dropped and BoC gathered all the goods and quickly set up an array of water barrels to prevent those dastardly blues from taking the plot. And many tried.. Many tried...

The land hasn't been claimed by us yet so we must keep an eye on the land and replace any barrels that have been taken. We mustn't, I repeat Mustn't let the eeeevvviiilll blues get this land! Har! Down with the blues! Get orange or get going!
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Title: Re: G&J Tower is going IDOC
Post by: Hoagie on August 12, 2008, 06:02:26 pm
Gaghs, I missed it! Anyone get any good loot?