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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Takeamada on August 09, 2008, 01:42:08 am

Title: Dealing with Siners
Post by: Takeamada on August 09, 2008, 01:42:08 am
When:  08/08/08, 16:45 GMT

Location:  Cove Army Barracks.

Commanding Officer:  Takeamada, Junior Grenadier
Guardsman in attendance:

-   Inquisitor Odenetheus
-   Sergeant Hoagie
-   Scarlet Grayner (child)
-   Larten (unknown)


While speaking with Sergeant Grayner, his daughter and other members of the army a man arrive giving Sgt Hoagie a bad time.  The Sergeant seemed to take it all in stride and was dealing with it.  Then the Inquisitor arrived; well an eleven-year-old girl is going to be an eleven-year-old girl!  She started asking questions, that Sgt Hoagie was trying to answer and some he wish he didn’t have to!  Because the girl was not getting the answers she thought she should, started in on the Inquisitor.  The child was starting to get out of hand and shame Sgt Hoagie, so he took her inside to deal with her in his own way!

After the departed I made the comment that it seems that she need a good spanking to sort things out.  After this comment was made, Larten made a comment towards me, accusing me of being a pervert!  During this whole time he had been looking at a dirty magazine of smut, while in the presence of the child.  At one point Sgt Grayner smacked the book from his hands with a club.  So I looked at the Inquisitor and asked what the churches stance on smut was?  The Inquisitor paused for a moment and then said “It’s a sin, Arrest him” Which I did happily!

Larten keep running his gums the whole time.  After jailing him I asked Sgt Hoagies how long should we hold him?  He asked who ordered the arrest?  I told him the Inquisitor did!  He says to take his books and burn them then release him.  So I went into the cell to take the books.  He shoved them down the front of his pants and refused to surrender them!  So I readied myself for a confutation.  At one point the prisoner refused to obey so I tapped him with the staff of my halberd.  At this point he attacked and I responded defensibly.  I left the cell without the books and informed Sgt Hoagie.  He told me to leave him in the cell and only meat and water was allowed.  I told Sgt Hoagies I would not be feeding him and that I thought I might be adding to the charges.  Sgt Hoagie asks what charge?  I told him assault on a Guardsman!  Then I said, an assault on a Grenadier is an assault on the Baron!  I then said I would deal with this.  I went to the chamber and retrieved the bullwhip in there and a length of rope.  I then removed the prisoner by force and tied him to the pillar.  Sgt Hoagie said give him five and let him go!
(http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/9778/thelashyx4.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)
I started the lashing and told him he would learn respect for the army.  He kept running his mouth in a disobedient way so I gave four more for a total of nine.  I then released him!

* signed *

Junior Grenadier
Baron’s Own

Title: Re: Dealing with Siners
Post by: Darek Milako on August 09, 2008, 06:49:38 am
AYE! We can nay take aneh assault's on teh Baron! In name o' Grenadier's, Cove, an' teh Baron! Ah'll go an' sit in a corner an' drink ale an' eat pie while readin' t'is. Bu' while readin' t'is, Ah'll make an angry face! Ho! For Cove!               
                                                                                *Signed Angrily*
                                                   RegularJunior GrenadierDarek Milako