Title: Report: Sentry of the Barracks.... Post by: Kas Valentine on August 11, 2008, 06:57:33 pm Led by:
Regular Guardsman Kas Valentine. Attended by: Officer Cadet Kal Shadowhand. Sergeant Kelly Sanderson. Regular Takeamada. Junior Guardsman Marcus Kobra. Watchman Delferium. Watchman Celuvian Haap. Guardsman Recruit Kraelyn De Lucia. Guardsman Recruit Yenril Darkeyes. Safety is paramount in Cove, as all guardsmen know, and lately we've had more than our fair share of trouble so I thought it prudent to set up a sentry outside the barracks. Kal, Marcus and Take were the first to arrive but with a few clangs on the old bell our numbers swelled considerably. I'd earlier ordered some supplies to assist in the construction of the barricade and once the guardsmen were aware of their duties they set about putting it together. We stacked crates high and sealed them down with a tightening of animal hide, as is expected of the Covian sentry. Once we had finished we kept our eyes peeled for danger and discussed matters of the realm. (http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/5281/sentrygt9.jpg) (http://imageshack.us) It wasn't long before trouble reared it's ugly head, we had to cope with attacks from a suspicious hooded man as well as a desecration of the chapel steps. Unfortunately it has been a long while since I have led the guardsmen and there was some confusion in regard to chain of command. At times the guardsmen obeyed my orders and at others they took it upon themselves to issue their own. I have no doubt that the orders issued were done so with the best intentions, nevertheless I found the situation very disconcerting. Shortly after this I was actually left on my own to guard the sentry, a source of great concern since we did not yet know whether the attacker acted alone. (http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/8859/sentry1ce8.jpg) (http://imageshack.us) As I was struggling to keep everyone together Sergeant Kelly arrived and re-established order, having the guardsmen line up before the sentry while us Regulars dealt with the church. I am most grateful for her intervention, as I mention my grasp of leadership is fuzzy at best. By this point the shadowy figure had been driven off into the forest and so I took charge of the line and ordered the dismantling of our post. The sentry was dismissed and I retired to write my report. (http://img395.imageshack.us/img395/1558/sentry2yp0.jpg) (http://imageshack.us) Despite the obvious difficulty I encountered in terms of keeping everyone together as a unit I like to think the barracks has been kept a little safer, at least for this evening. I will endeavour to keep these mistakes in mind with any activity I lead in the future. Signed in clear and concise handwriting, Regular Guardsman Kas Valentine. Title: Re: Report: Sentry of the Barracks.... Post by: Raiden Morana on August 11, 2008, 07:41:53 pm Damn fine report and it looked like a damn fine sentry too!
Good work Kas! *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Captain. |