Title: Late Night Truble Post by: Jessica Goldeye on August 12, 2008, 08:51:04 am late at night i walked into the Jail's found a woman beat up, i took her to the Hospital there was a note on the ground, i picked it up to discover that a Lad was taken by the Same criminals. According to the lass the Boy's dicription maches that of the Orphan child Tristan. she says he was taken because he saw them dumb her at the barraks. The lad is being held for Randsom. It is to our knowlage that he is currently Safe. we do hope he will stay in this condition. As for now Any scouts willing in their time please look for any information tword the boy
-Yenril Darkeyes Guardsmen Recruit Title: Re: Late Night Truble Post by: Kal/Mathew on August 12, 2008, 09:05:02 am [Walks by and reads the disturbing news]
Hmm! Consider the Scouts on it, The ladd looses his family and now beh taken fer seeing something he shouldn't. I will make sure we find this Ladd and bring in the ones responsible Signed: Officer Cadet: Kal ShadowHand Title: Re: Late Night Truble Post by: Kas Valentine on August 12, 2008, 11:09:45 am Little 'Tris has been taken....?
I hope the Scout division manages to discover something, the sooner the better. Signed in wobbly ill conceived handwriting, Regular Guardsman Kas Valentine. Title: Re: Late Night Truble Post by: Marcus Kobra on August 12, 2008, 05:04:39 pm *Walks up an pens notes to the report*
Aye, trouble indeed. At this time we do not know where the lad is being kept. I for once, am glad the scouts are on this task. The regualr army could never get close enough without panicing the thugs and possibly endangering Tristan's life. The girl reported to me that there were 3 person's. Two males, one quite well spoken and possibly the one calling the shots. From the things he said that she told me it would seem he IS in control and will do no rash things. His thugs, one male and one female on the other hand are likley no so restrained or even educated. This form of petty thugery must be put down! Burn the Wytch, Crusify the Heretic, -Strangle- the theif. *Signed* Marcus Kobra, Junior Guardsman, Army of Cove |