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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Kelly Sanderson on August 12, 2008, 05:59:32 pm

Title: Suggestions Please
Post by: Kelly Sanderson on August 12, 2008, 05:59:32 pm
The G&J tower is no longer in existance.. But what shall?

I have gotten hold of the plot so that we can all discuss the possible use for this plot. When all suggestions are made, I shall put up a poll with all the suggestions on. The building shall be converted into the suggestion with the most votes.

Please reply with your suggestions below, followed by why it would benefit Cove.

Thanks a lot!

Title: Re: Suggestions Please
Post by: Olchafa Serpernt on August 12, 2008, 06:13:27 pm
I think a covian museum would be cool. A collection of items from various campaigns and well known events. Also items from famous people of cove or from famous people community wide.
 Maybe even a monument somewhere inside with a list of names of the fallen such as greystone.

I think it would give cove more history. Good to show of to new members to give the guild more depth to them.

Title: Re: Suggestions Please
Post by: Kas Valentine on August 12, 2008, 06:14:57 pm
Officer HQ;
Some sort of building for Command to hold their meetings in, as opposed to doing it via UO chat (chortle) or ICQ. The lower members of the army possibly gaining entrance as and when Command wish to talk to you, or once acquiring a certain rank or position within Cove.

Farm or Orchard;
A little typical I suppose but heh, it looks so pretty as a field.

Foreign Office;
An official building to receive and consult with our friends from across the realm.

S'all I got so far ! :-*

Title: Re: Suggestions Please
Post by: Siegfried on August 12, 2008, 06:17:36 pm
Covian Templi Order Chapter House;

HQ, Armoury, Barracks and Stables of the Church.

Title: Re: Suggestions Please
Post by: Farfar on August 12, 2008, 07:20:53 pm
Another pub but with free trinkets?

*scratches belly*

Title: Re: Suggestions Please
Post by: Linaeus on August 12, 2008, 10:02:09 pm
I personally like Siegfried and Chaffers' suggestions.

Title: Re: Suggestions Please
Post by: Jessica Goldeye on August 13, 2008, 12:21:08 am
A Labor Camp For POW To work and make us what we need (minnig teams and Tree teams) full with  bunking and Guards (npc) and Guards (ic)

It would need Living quorters
Guard towers
And Team guards ( to wach over the work)

Title: Re: Suggestions Please
Post by: Marcus Kobra on August 13, 2008, 02:18:22 am
Hmm all ideas. I was thinking if possible. why one huge plot? I still beleive it can be broken down into numerous plots. I dont supose this is also a thread to protest/argue in so I wont.

Good day mates.

Title: Re: Suggestions Please
Post by: Kelly Sanderson on August 13, 2008, 02:45:18 am
I was thinking a "Covian Disciplinary and Negotiations Unit".

..Pretty self-explanatory, really?

A place that we could have offices, a place to negotiate with guilds about various things, rather than in the Baron's Office. Also a dining hall for said guilds when invited to negotiate over dinner.

This would by all means NOT be a Command-only thing. It could be used by all ranks, within reason.

Also a place to discipline the more straying recruits.

Just thought it'd be pretty neat, is all.


Title: Re: Suggestions Please
Post by: Jessica Goldeye on August 13, 2008, 04:40:10 am
I tell you i stry aside once or twice or try and kill a recruit or a Churchy and suddenly they makie a building for punishment! lol j/k

Title: Re: Suggestions Please
Post by: Takeamada on August 13, 2008, 05:22:21 am
A lot of good suggestions all!  Here is my 2 shillings worth!

Plan A:  Cove Court House!  You could have a high security cells, offices for lawyers (that currently are not residing in cells), and A records office where any information about Cove could be kept, along with a place to issue warrants and licenses for various things!  A courtroom or two, and maybe a meeting room for high level talks with other guilds! And a place for punishment and executions of those convicted.

Plan B:  A plot to set up an outdoor market, so when we host the market, we could rent stalls (pre-made) for a price for the coffers, it would be fenced in with a Security post at the front to control the flow of personal and make it easier for nabbing those who wish to exploit the fair trade of cove.  Could have on the ground floor open air stalls and towards the back a second or even third level housing a small eatery, pub, shops the would require protection from the elements, and a admin office.

Plan C:  A true training center for the army, with obstacle course, classrooms, combat area, punishment area, and maybe a small mess!

Humbly submitted

Regular Grenadier
Baron’s Own

Title: Re: Suggestions Please
Post by: Odenetheus on August 13, 2008, 10:06:55 am
I'm voting for Take's plan B. Hell, I know I'd be interested on joining the market on one of my alts, and it's easier if the stalls are premade. That way you could even more or less permanently hire a stall, eh?

Title: Re: Suggestions Please
Post by: Kelly Sanderson on August 13, 2008, 11:26:56 am
Kal already owns the open market.

Let's not steal his thunder, guys.

Title: Re: Suggestions Please
Post by: Takeamada on August 13, 2008, 02:26:58 pm
First of all, not trying to steal anyone’s thunder! (That’s the thief’s Guild job), Besides, Kal could be the manager of it!  The whole purpose was to get it to a safe location the has a bit of control and away from thing like the spawn, You could still set things up outside around the location for more room, and Kal’s market is just that a market, which by the way is very close to this location so he might get more customers, and he could support the Open air market quicker because of his location!  

The point was to give a Flea Market feel to it all and have a place that could be used for other events!  Because how I envisioned it is the upper deck could be turned into seating over looking the main market, the removable “fences” could be relocated and now you have a place for plays, parties, tournaments, dances, the annual Cove Night out dinner, Etc, etc…  You have to think long term!!!

So I’m sorry if you think I was toe stepping or thunder stealing, was not my intent!  My intent was to see something other the drunken guards and crime.  Be nice to see a bit of culture come back to Cove!!!  After all we are the best!  And this also depends on plot size?  So this could end up a mute point!

Here is a bad drawing of what “could” happen?

(http://img108.imageshack.us/img108/3167/marketgg7.png) (http://imageshack.us)

*Signed humbly*

Regular Grenadier
Baron’s Own

Title: Re: Suggestions Please
Post by: Hoagie on August 13, 2008, 02:36:02 pm
Sexy looking plan, Take, and good ideas, everyone!

Title: Re: Suggestions Please
Post by: Jessica Goldeye on August 13, 2008, 02:41:14 pm
I vote Takes Plan A i like the Lawyer thing and you all know i like to Be involved in crime... But maby this would be a healthyer way?

Title: Re: Suggestions Please
Post by: Graem Carcer on August 13, 2008, 03:17:24 pm
I vote Takes Plan A i like the Lawyer thing and you all know i like to Be involved in crime... But maby this would be a healthyer way?

Don't think anything legally based would be a good idea. First and foremost we don't have any laywers as a direct result of not really having many trials.

The plot should be put to a more permanent use.

Title: Re: Suggestions Please
Post by: Ileana Leontine on August 13, 2008, 03:22:31 pm
Personally I'd like to see it become a kind of 'Baron's Court', combining several ideas mentioned in this thread.  It could be used for court proceedings, negotiation with other guilds, promotion parades (with the top of the barracks becoming completely a training ground as suggested by Takeamada. In general, it could act as the main administrative building in Cove... plus, in a shameless plug, having the courts near the library will help for reference to law texts :P

To respond to Graem, it can be multi-purpose as above. A clear central court can be decorated for court proceedings, or feasts, or whatever as necessary.

Title: Re: Suggestions Please
Post by: Marcus Kobra on August 13, 2008, 04:47:49 pm
On another note. I'd liek to point out the town hall. In its history I know that it is were al civilian promotions take place. The govenor has held his meetings there. I also know that the second floor is still Arkay's ARchery guild. Debunked and innactive. I hate to step on Arkay's cake, but it, the boxing league, and eve the dragoons dont have the administrative infrastructior being worked, nor do they have the numbers.

In honesty I dont feel we need a meeting hall of anykind whilst we still have the town hall which could be slightly re-furnished or leftwith furnishings stored in crates for diffrent forms of events. A multi purpose room if you will. I'm simply saying we should put to grand use waht we have NOW before doubling up or making a bilding completly obsolete in the future by making another building.

PArdon me if I've stomped and chests or booted any groins but.... Just my opinion and I felt here was as good as any place ot bring it up!

Thank you all for listening!



Title: Re: Suggestions Please
Post by: Escaflowne -V- on August 13, 2008, 06:21:39 pm
Make it into a shrine to me :)

Title: Re: Suggestions Please
Post by: Escaflowne -V- on August 20, 2008, 10:12:16 pm
*Walks into the thread disguised as a Covian*

Well i like Father Sigfried's idea. As the church seems to be like a miniguild within Cove and have its own units etc etc, but it only has the church which can only be used for ceremonies and such. If they had a HQ that would be great for them, a place for them to have their own training events etc, a place for them to sleep, do their own thing etc etc :) Plenty of potential for RP there, religions can be really fun to RP With :) I love teasing the churchies with my cats :D

Title: Re: Suggestions Please
Post by: Siegfried on August 20, 2008, 10:41:54 pm
Re-reviewing the suggestions, I feel it incumbent to further explain the Preceptory suggestion, given that I see no one here has come forth to claim ownership of the plot, and quite frankly the majority of the suggestions here are already in existence, or merely ‘ideas with good intentions’ that will soon be forgotten and un-used.

A Preceptory is a localised headquarters of the Templi Order which speaks for itself, and will be the Preceptory for the entire Northern Chapter; covering Minoc, Vesper, and Cove. Given the phoenix from the flames revival of the Church recently, and the forum/shard wide recruitment campaign, I am expecting the Church project to become rather sizeable, and as such may well be in need of a plot that size to hold what I have planned for it.

I would prefer the plot by Vesper crossroads, but it seems the owner is inactive, un-contactable, and I am informed she is sentimentally attached to it; and gaining it would come at a considerable real-life financial cost to me.

The Preceptory needs to be quite sizeable in order to hold:

  • Gatehouse/Tower
  • Open-air training ground surrounded by miniature battlements, linking the building to the gatehouse.
  • Stables
  • Armoury
  • Storage Room
  • Dormitory
  • Study
  • 2-man chapel (For silent prayer)
  • And possibly a meeting table, or holding cell/interrogation chamber

As you can see, the project would need quite some space, and having spent the previous week searching the northern reaches of Britannia for a plot not too small and not too far away, this, besides the crossroads plot is the best available.

In all honesty I believe this plot would be put to much better use than any of the suggestions that predate this.

The Church as a building is not owned by myself, and contains the personal possessions of the owner. I cannot change it, despite some flaws in it's design; it is not practical to hold what the Church requires as an element of the guild.


Title: Re: Suggestions Please
Post by: Raven on August 21, 2008, 09:40:59 am
I like Take's Plan A.

Officers can be lawyers... like in old IRL Army..!