Title: Arming The Church Post by: Siegfried on August 17, 2008, 02:25:14 am Task:
The Church is getting ready to recruit, and is in need of uniforms for the Templi Squires. Follow the instructions below to the letter, and seek out a member of the Church or Command to hand the completed uniforms, in a bag, to. The equipment list can be found below: All equipment must be exceptional, unmarked, and un-coloured (Excluding the helmet). Cloth and leather items must be made from default cloth and leather. - Agapite Bascinet - Ringmail Tunic - Ringmail Legs - Ringmail Sleeves - Ringmail Gloves - Sash - Kilt - Boots - Wooden Shield - Mace - Longsword - Crossbow Conditions: *This task may be completed more than once by the same person. *The more uniforms made, the more shillings shall be recieved. *A full report of your process and progress must be posted below. *Each person need only make one uniform, but may make more if they wish. No more than 10 uniforms will be accepted at this time, so review all reports below prior to undertaking this task; unless you can store extra uniforms until they are required. Title: Arming The Church Post by: Siegfried on August 27, 2008, 02:25:24 pm *The Preceptor walks by and pins the task back to the top of the notice board* Title: Re: Arming The Church Post by: Takeamada on September 08, 2008, 03:21:51 pm When: 08/09/08 16:00 GMT Location: Workshop of Tiberus Delmore, Altmere. Commanding Officer: Tiberus Delmore, Commoner Guardsman in attendance: - Edward Striker, Citizen Report: The following is the report of supplying the Church of Cove with weapons and Arms (http://img61.imageshack.us/img61/2189/churchp1bt7.jpg) (http://imageshack.us) (http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/3545/churchp2wo8.jpg) (http://imageshack.us) (http://img61.imageshack.us/img61/3847/churchp3lk4.jpg) (http://imageshack.us) * Signed in an artful hand * Tiberus Delmore Commoner Craftsman Title: Re: Arming The Church Post by: Raiden Morana on September 09, 2008, 10:28:16 am A very comprehensive report. I'm sure the Churchies will be most pleased with yer work.
125 Shillings Awarded - Tiberus Delmore 50 Shillings Awarded - Edward Striker *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Captain. |