Title: a short patrol Post by: Jane on August 23, 2008, 05:16:03 pm a short patrol to the north
guard leading patrol : guardsman recruit Yenril Darkeye attending : Guardsman recruit Taybard Jaekel Guardsman recruit Jane After the training Yenril told us about the scorpions who lived in the desert north and suggested we took a patrol there to thin out their numbers. These creatures can do a lot of damage with theur poisoned tail and already many travellers were killed by them . So we prepared ourselves and headed north over the road , where we dealt swiftly with the monsters trying to stop us. After a few miles we suddenly were ambushed by a great gang of bandits , who had been hiding there to rob anyone passing. But this time they made a huge mistake , as it were no innocent and defenseless travellers passing by but a group of welltrained Covian soldiers. We quickly made them see the error of their way and wiped out the whole group , leaving their bodies on the road as a warning to all others trying to pull misschief on Cove's soil. We then continued our way to the desert , where we started to kill as many scorpions as we could find. Our metal armour protected us well against their tails , making them fall with the dozen. Soon the sand was covered with their corpses. Seeing that there was no danger anymore i asked to be dismissed and left the other two behind to deal with the remaining scorpions. Guardsman recruit Jane (http://img381.imageshack.us/img381/9320/uo0046pp3.jpg) *this was what was left of the bandits after Covians passed* (http://img50.imageshack.us/img50/1552/uo0049mj1.jpg) *a great victory over the creatures of the desert* Title: Re: a short patrol Post by: Vince Valentine on August 23, 2008, 11:03:56 pm Good stuff Jane, and well reported. Keeping Cove safe is what we do best!
Nice to see the recruits taking initiative, keep up the good work *Signed* Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant Title: Re: a short patrol Post by: Raiden Morana on August 24, 2008, 12:13:10 pm Indeed.
Well done recruits! *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Captain. |