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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Takeamada on August 24, 2008, 04:17:15 pm

Title: Return of Baron Octiovus
Post by: Takeamada on August 24, 2008, 04:17:15 pm
When:  23/08/08, 23:15 GMT

Location:  Covian Army Barracks.

Commanding Officer:  Junior Grenadier Takeamada  
Guardsman in attendance:

-   Sergeant Hoagie
-   Regular Guardsman Nicholi
-   Recruit Guardsman Keres

Special Appearance:

-   Baron Octiovus
-   Commander Shadwell
-   Corporal Richter

Event:  Baron’s return


After the memorial service for Heath, I went to the town hall to change back into my uniform.  As I was donning my last bits, I happen to look out the window and saw what appeared to be the Baron walking from the barracks to the church!

I ran down stairs and as I passed Sgt Hoagie I told him “ I think the Baron is here!”  I went to the church to see who this was, as I entered, there stood the Baron!!!  He seems excited and happy!  I saluted and asked if I could be of service?  He said yes!  Update me on what has been going on the status of the army and the Grenadiers!

As I started to brief him on what I knew, get cut me off and said, “Lets go find everyone!”
So we went door to door looking for other members of the Army!  As we did this the Baron made comments of “I’m back for good”, Things well be better and back on track” I have not seen anyone who seemed to be this full of energy and purpose in a long time!  We entered the Town Hall where Sgt Hoagie was sitting speaking to a female.  The Baron started asking questions and the sergeant just sat there stunned, I finally yelled, “On your feet man it’s the Baron!”  With that Sgt Hoagie jump up, still a bit shaken, and followed us out to look for members.  As we headed back towards the barracks, we were meet by a person Sgt Hoagies called Commander Shadwell!  Hoagies seem shocked to see him there to!  While this went on I rang the barracks bell and had several more guardsmen show up!  The Baron ordered me to take the line as he informed us from his balcony that he was back and there was change in the air.  The commander stated the they would be re-interviewing all the officers and with that, he said “Grenadier make use of the troops and put them to use!”  So I formed Tactical and we forced marched to the Graveyard and wiped out everything that moved!!!  Two liches and over 30 undead.
(http://img71.imageshack.us/img71/4683/brtcvc2.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)
We forced it back to the barracks where I passed out the shares to the members and placed the rest in the coffers.  We then went up stairs were we ran into Cpl Raziel Richter, you would have thought Sgt Hoagie had seen another Lich!  So we sat around the table and drank ale talking about the who, what, and where’s of what has happen and thing like that!  

* signed *

Regular Grenadier
Baron’s Own

(OOC: I to was shocked upon his return, that I forgot to make shots of him!  He was just go go go! Sorry)

Title: Re: Return of Baron Octiovus
Post by: Octiovus on August 24, 2008, 06:41:45 pm
Good show, my boy! We'll have to do twice the Grenadier swaggering to make up for what I've missed!

~ Octiovus Von Richter

Title: Re: Return of Baron Octiovus
Post by: Shadwell on August 24, 2008, 06:54:59 pm
All hail Lord Octiovus Richter! Baron of Cove, Conqueror of the colonies, He who made the Kaldorians flee Sosaria, Slayer of Orcs/Yellers and Undead! Ruler of Altmere and surrounding provinces!

Title: Re: Return of Baron Octiovus
Post by: Marcus Kobra on August 25, 2008, 07:46:15 am
All Hail indeed! Praise be to Avatar for his safe return!


Marcus Kobra, Junior Guardsman, Army of Cove