Title: Healing training by Dalamar Carnesīr Post by: Dalamar on August 25, 2008, 01:59:47 pm Leading: Dalamar, Regular scout
Attending: Torrak Keres, Watcham Baolin, guardsman recruit Taybard Jackel, guardsman recruit After the battle, I was dissatisfied for the outcome of battle. Good old team work training was in order. So I took the recruits and watchman to the roof and gave them little speech and then we hit to the work. How to work as a team, what basic ideas it holds and how to move like a team. (http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/2917/dalstrainingpz4.jpg) Soldiers preparing for the two versus two fight These were the main topics of my training. First we had a little rocky start in the thing but it didnt take long for these fine soldiers to get a hang of it. We did two versus two fights with changing pairs and so that others were defenders and other attackers. (http://img395.imageshack.us/img395/7386/dalstraining1yf8.jpg) Dalamar giving feedback to the watchman and recruits In the end of training I was satisfied by the work these lads showed. Just hoping they remember to do same thing at the battles. *Signed with red ink* Dalamar Carnesīr, Regular Scout |