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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Kas Valentine on August 29, 2008, 02:48:51 pm

Title: Report: Business with the Waywatchers....
Post by: Kas Valentine on August 29, 2008, 02:48:51 pm
Yesterday evening I received word that a small group of Yewish Waywatchers had arrived in Cove in the vicinity of the tavern. I was busy at the time and it took me a good while to reach Cove but when I did a collection of guardsmen were milling around the Yewlanders while one of the latter spoke with a Friar.

The encounter was very unexpected but I can recall a few of the men present;

Junior Scout Garand.
Recruit Fla Goldhammer.
Watchman Torrak Keres.
Watchman Delferium.
Regular Guardsman Nicholi.

The situation had also drawn the attention of a few faces from Vesper, most notably Escaflowne of their militia and the bar manager Kiran. The Covian's were distinctly unnerved by the Yewish presence whereas the Waywatchers themselves were unconcerned, I would even go as far to say they enjoyed the discomfort they put our guardsmen in.

As I say I joined the discussion, or whatever was taking place, very late and so I bided my time listening and watching over what happened. Soon after my arrival the Friar returned from the church with the other Waywatcher and explained what they had been talking about. Apparently the Yewish had some prisoner which they wished to exchange for someone in our midst and they had sought out the church as a neutral go between.

They claimed to have evidence against Kiran for the infamous "Mill crimes" and given that he was standing nearby at the time, his arrest was ordered by the Friar and the Waywatchers set about shackling him. I found this very confusing, especially since we are currently at war, what jurisdiction do Yew have in our lands...? I stepped in and insisted that Cove escort the prisoner to the border, a move the Friar accepted.

Once clear of the church I requested that the members from Yew hand over their charge to us so that we might jail him until the "evidence" of these crimes was presented. So far all I had heard was circumstantial at best, they had been fed information by a man under torture and were basing the arrest on this alone. I do not know what went on between the Friar and the Waywatchers but something didn't seem right. Captain Escaflowne supported my decision and we continued to insist Kiran be relinquished into Covian custody peacefully.

Unfortunately the Yewish would not submit and so I ordered the guardsmen to ready arms as Escaflowne sent in his feline companions. A small fracas ensued while I transported the prisoner to the barracks. All I remember after this is that I was unlocking the door to the cells when I felt a sharp blow to my heard accompanied by the clanking sound of shackles and then blackness. When I regained consciousness Kiran was no-where to be seen.

If any of the guardsmen present can shed some light on what happened please feel free, my head is still sore and as a result my memory of the night's events may not be completely reliable.

Signed in very swift haphazard handwriting,
Regular Guardsman Kas Valentine.

Title: Re: Report: Business with the Waywatchers....
Post by: Siegfried on August 29, 2008, 03:04:01 pm

In thinking thou doth know best to go behind the Church's back, what hast thou gained from it? A concussion and no prisoner! Thou shalt answer for this, Arcanist. Thee and all thy men listed prior.

I wouldst have perhaps thought the mere fact this murderer 'Kiran' framed thy men for the heinous murders wouldst be enough to willingly support Yew in their capture; not to mention they wouldst hand 'Sonja' to us in return!

Perhaps thou wouldst be best to pick up sword and shield, Arcanist, for t'wouldst seem to me that the corruption lying within thy book of hexes weaves through thy mind with the ease of Baphomet himself!

Title: Re: Report: Business with the Waywatchers....
Post by: Kas Valentine on August 29, 2008, 05:09:24 pm
I regret how the situation has turned out Father, I simply mistrusted the envoy from Yew instinctively. I shall present myself for punishment and the earliest available opportunity. I would like to mention at this point that I pulled rank to ensure the relative safety of the man in question, the other guardsmen were simply following my directions.

Signed with delicately penned handwriting,
Regular Guardsman Kas Valentine.

Title: Re: Report: Business with the Waywatchers....
Post by: Jessica Goldeye on August 31, 2008, 01:19:33 am
   As i remember, The church orderd the Yewish not to be harmed, Untill the friar was done with the waywacher. there was no mention after of nay harming the yewish! so it was a Foe on our land and the Actions Taken were apropriate due to some hostilitys shown by the yewish

            -Fla Goldhammer

Title: Re: Report: Business with the Waywatchers....
Post by: Warren Marshall on August 31, 2008, 01:26:01 am
Oh be silent, Recruit. How versed out thou in the ways of politics? I'd suggest thou dost keep to thy armour polishing.

What thou dost say is true, had I not explicitly ordered the Covians to later escort the criminal to the borders.

No matter, things hath progressed since then, and Father Siegfried hath set about punishing those who art in the wrong; unless thou dost wish to join them, I suggest thou dost still thy quill and tongue!