Title: Ophidian Assault - Saturday 30th August 8pm GMT Post by: Vince Valentine on August 30, 2008, 08:26:21 am When: Saturday 30th august, 8pm GMT
Where: Gather at the barracks What to bring: Full battle kit, provisions. (Nothing you'd want to lose, there's alot of those snakemen!) As you can well imagine, a good supply of Covian outposts are needed far and wide. The stronghold located near Papua, infested with the snake-like beasts would be ideal. Of course, it has to be clear of danger. Our mission is to infiltrate the cursed place and assess the enemy threat. We need information on numbers, hostility and state of repair. We leave at the eighth hour guardsmen, lets see you mean and battle ready! *Signed* Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant |