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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Michael Vandrik on August 30, 2008, 04:49:39 pm

Title: {REPORT} Cleansing Honour!
Post by: Michael Vandrik on August 30, 2008, 04:49:39 pm
This even the following men hath gone forth to do His work.

Arcanist Kas Valentine
Watchman Delferium
Watchman Torak Keres
Hoagie Grayner, Coward

I gathered all the men possible at the army's barracks. I explained to them that we would go forth to Honour and cleanse the lands! We marched to the moongate. After passing through we marched on a dilapidated building containing many rat things and within the cellar we didst find a foul coven of wytch! We slew them all and moved on to depts of a cave. The Coward Grayner looked once into the depths and immediately requested to be dismissed! I hope that coward prays that Avatar hath mercy upon his soul! We continued without him. What we found within was the foulest prison I have yet been in. Undead lurked all abouts.

The men fought bravely but alas, we were defeated time and again. We fought back as long as we could but in the end Myself and Watchman Delferium where left without our equipment as our unconscious forms where drug from the depths by The Arcanist and Keres.

I ordered the men to withdraw, due to our lack of manpower and equipment! Damn that Coward Grayner!

We returned to the barracks to count out 11 thousand coinsand some gems. I gave 2 thousand coins to each man with Watchman Delferium giving his over to the church! After selling the gems at a local merchant I placed a total of 8 thousand coins within the church coffers! Praise be to Avatar that something were gained!



Friar Michael Vandrik

Title: Re: {REPORT} Cleansing Honour!
Post by: Vince Valentine on August 30, 2008, 05:10:29 pm
Good work guardsmen,

The avatar will surely be pleased that so many of those foul creatures have been sent back to where they belong.

A firey grave in the pits of the abyss!

   Vince Valentine
Grenadier Sergeant