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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on September 05, 2008, 07:25:29 pm

Title: An Unenviable Task! - Britain Moot Day 3
Post by: Raiden Morana on September 05, 2008, 07:25:29 pm
Arresting Officers:

Raiden, Grenadier Captain
Hoagie, Sergeant
Kelly Valentine, Sergeant

The Accused:

Kas Valentine, Regular Guardsman
Olchafa Serpernt, Regular Scout

No sooner had Raiden entered the Blue Boar than the Waywatchers stepped from the shadows. Feeling a little uneasy even though he was in a public place he listened to the news they brought.

A package had been delivered earlier that day to the Guardsman Militia' compound at the Moot. The package contained the corpse of a small child with the name of one of the Dart's children carved into it's torso.

As the information sank in he knew that Kas and Chaffers would again be implicated and that the Yewlanders would be baying for their blood. Perhaps even willing to jeopordise the ceasefire by taking matters into their own hands.

Another Waywatcher stepped from the shadows as the others left. She was immediately recognisable to Raiden as the wife of Captain Dart. She produced a small box containing a brand new handkerchief to replace the one Raiden had given her at the Grand Ball when she had become so upset about the mill atrocity and the threat to her own children.

The good will seemed to stop there though as she questioned Raiden's honour and integrity for not arresting the two guardsmen implicated in the murders at the mill and having them attend the Moot as if nothing had happened. She of course could not have known that Raiden had already given the order for their arrest on the eve of the grand opening ball.

* * * * *

Although he couldn't believe two guardsmen whom he had come through the ranks with and knew so well could have committed the acts they were accused of he also knew that he needed to get them off the street before they were lynched. And there was just that nagging doubt in his mind that if they were stupid enough to be involved with Kiran and his cronies maybe they were at the mill.


A pigeon brought Sergeant Hoagie from the Moot market and the man hunt began. Raiden and Hoagie started by searching Britain's taverns and inns and it wasn't long before they caught up with Regular Guardsman Valentine relaxing at one near the site of the market. Still half asleep his spell book and herbs were taken from him and he was further searched for picklocks and weapons before being marched back to Cove and locked up in the barracks cells.

Guardsman Valentine didn't have much to say for himself and almost seemed resigned to the fact that he would be picked up leading the Sergeant and Captain to believe he was guilty of "something" at least even if it wasn't murder.

* * * * *

Hoagie and Raiden returned to the Moot market where they were joined by Sergeant Valentine in the search for Regular Scout Serpernt. Raiden bumped into the Scout wandering the streets of Britain on his way to the market and stalled him long enough for his two sergeants to complete their sweep of the capital and return.

Guardsman Serpernt was much more evasive and it was only after being cornered by the three halberd wielding officers that he finally handed over his weapons and allowed himself to be searched. Satisfied that he had been stripped of weapons and any means of escape he too was shackled and led back to the barracks to be locked up and questioned.


The two sergeants questioned the prisoners about the charges laid against them with little joy and so had no option but to strip them of their uniforms, issue "prison fatigues" and shackle them further with a ball and chain.

* * * * *