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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on September 07, 2008, 12:43:18 pm

Title: Final Peace Talks & The Minoc Accords - Britain Moot Day 6
Post by: Raiden Morana on September 07, 2008, 12:43:18 pm
Town Leaders and their seconds attended the meeting at Castle Blackthorn on the 6th and final day of the Britain Moot to finalise the peace treaty that has now become known as the Minoc Accords.

What was hoped to be a dinner party for the leaders followed by a brief meeting dragged on until the early hours as certain parties squabbled over the most miniscule of details but at last the treaty was signed by those present and our lands are once again at peace... For the time being at least.


The Minoc Accords

Be it known that on the 6th day of September, the following agreements were made and signed between the cities of Sosaria:

1. That all currently warring forces shall withdraw from Minoc.

2. That an independent defence force shall be formed by Minocians alone.

3. That this force may be trained by forces loyal to the King, but no more than five trainers bearing arms shall be present at any one time.

4. That Minoc shall have free right of trade to all cities without let or hindrance.

5. That Yew shall have the right of passage to build a road from Yew to Minoc north of the Covetous Mountains.

6. That said road will be neutral territory, and bordered by neutral territory, but the land shall continue to be part of the respective city territories.

7. That travellers on this road may bear arms for self-defence, but no military force shall use it.

8. That the coastal edge of the Vespenland province shall be ceded to Minoc to lessen territorial complications.

9. That the perpetrators of the massacre in Yew, being Kiran and Padan Fain, shall be handed over by Vesper to Yew.

10. That the Covians implicated in the massacre or other crimes shall be tried by a jury of representatives from all cities, at a time and date to be agreed.

11. That Escaflowne agrees to be questioned by Yew in the matter of the massacre, the questioning to be witnessed by a Vesperian representative.

*signed* Lord Elliot Heath, Baron of Vesper
*signed* Captain Bladius Dart, Guardsmen Militia of Yew.
*signed* Louis Torchesac, Mayor of Skara Brae.
*signed* Raiden, Grenadier Captain, The Baronship of Cove.
*signed* Irvyn Middlethorn, Duke of Trinsic