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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Valandil Erensar on September 10, 2008, 10:26:49 pm

Title: The March Upon Spirituality
Post by: Valandil Erensar on September 10, 2008, 10:26:49 pm
10th September

   All those who were willing were called to arms by Grenadier Sergeant Vince Valentine at approximately 7:15pm to which six enthusiastic soldiers answered his call. The Sergeant explained about some kind of peaceful and harmless inhabitants he had witnessed living under a shadow of pestering darkness within Spirituality for quite some time, and his idea was to check out, with a keen eye, the situation.

   Upon reaching Spirituality, it wasn't long before a gathering of usually playful woodland fairies decided to somewhat abrubtly swarm around Guardsman Recruit Bryce Armstrong with forceful hostility - hailing him with weakening spells and fiery bolts. Alas, with some flapping of arms and swiping of swords, the fairies were dispersed before we finally managed to reach our first destination - a  Terethan Lair. Within, rivers of arachnid gunk and limbs socked the lair walls as we hacked our way through, Sergeant Valentine's and Grenadier Takeamada's arrows piercing Terethan hides with swift conviction. At one point, Guardsman Recruit Eddy drilled a large rock into the very head of an opponent. Everyone faught hard and well, our war cries 'For Cove!' and the fearful screams of our foes echoing throughout the tunnels. We were soon reinforced by the arrival of Guardsman Recruit Azhaal Rhu, wielding his axe and sorcery with impressive skill.

   When we exited the lair, leaving a merciless trail of conquered evil in our wake, we soon came across a magical rune deep within the woodlands which, beyond any of my understanding, transported us to a golden coast of finely eroded sand. Here, once more, Guardsman Recruit Bryce Armstrong was viciously set upon again. This time it was no woodland fairies, but a large, winged, angelic creature wielding strange and queer sorcery with great amounts aggression and fury. We soon felled the beast which we soon discovered, after being informed by Sergeant Valentine, belonged to the apparently peaceful inhabitants we had come to protect. Alas, we proceeded with surprising casual caution into a church-like structure built with white brickwork where several more of the 'angels' wondered. We ignored them and continued down a set of stairs, and deep into the catacombs.

   Within, after countless violent but victorious encounters with ghoulish fiends, the present Grenadiers tourched the wytchcraft scrolls of the undead with justice. After not long, we came across various narrow corridors and traps, including some kind of gas chamber, until we reached a door which was locked and far too sturdy to bust. So, to our disappointment, we were forced to retire for the evening and investigate ways in which to open the door. The good new, however, was discovering the grand sum of loot at the end of our travels!

   For our liege, for our brothers and sisters in arms, for Cove!
                                         Signed: Guardsman Recruit Valandil 'The Wolf' Erensar.


Title: Re: The March Upon Spirituality
Post by: Raiden Morana on September 11, 2008, 07:19:24 am
Aye... Who'd have thought pixies could hit so hard eh recruit? *grins*

We certainly showed those overgrown insects and deadites a thing or two!

Pity we couldn't crash that party at the end... Whatever was happening behind those locked iron doors sounded fun! *shifty eyes*

Guardsmen in attendance:

Vince Valentine, Grenadier Sergeant (leading)
Raiden, Grenadier Captain
Hoagie, Sergeant
Takeamada, Regular Grenadier
Eddy, Guardsman Recruit
Bryce Armstrong, Guardsman Recruit
Azhaal Rhu, Guardsman Recruit
Valandil Erensar, Guardsman Recruit

Sign below if I missed yer.


Raiden, Grenadier Captain.

[ooc]Great report Valandil. Try and add a screenshot or two next time and be sure you post a list of the guardsmen attending too. :) If you need any help take a look at this thread by Eason on creating reports : http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,182.0.html or contact a member of Command. We're happy to help ;)[/ooc]

Title: Re: The March Upon Spirituality
Post by: Celuvian on September 11, 2008, 08:35:48 am
Its Azhaal, sir, not Azhul.

Title: Re: The March Upon Spirituality
Post by: Raven on September 12, 2008, 10:04:23 am
Same difference.

Title: Re: The March Upon Spirituality
Post by: Vince Valentine on September 13, 2008, 09:32:34 am
Good stuff recruit Erensar,

They weren't so eight legged after we'd finished with them!

Shame about the rabid pixies, aye, perhaps they should lay off the fairy dust.

Keep up the good work Covians

Vince Valentine
Grenadier Sergeant