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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Siegfried on September 23, 2008, 10:56:54 pm

Title: [Report] Stop & Search Results: A note to Captain Morana
Post by: Siegfried on September 23, 2008, 10:56:54 pm
Captain Morana,

After thy men didst fail to turn up to the training session earlier this eve', I didst decide to perform searches of my own to allow the men to witness what it feels like to be searched. The results however, were quite staggering. The following men were searched, and the items confiscated art written beside their names:

  • Sergeant Grayner - A love-themed letter from a male signature; pending investigation.
  • Arcanist Valentine - A book pertaining to Necromancy, and his Arcanist book as a result.
  • Watchman Delferium - 12 bottles of black brew.
  • Watchman Haap - Horse feed
  • Watchman Keres - Nothing

Haap and Keres were both branded (http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,10916.msg79323.html#msg79323) for possession of items pertaining to wytchcraft, having failed to inform the Church, they didst get off lightly.

Thy Sergeant fails to surprise or disappoint, as always... And the Arcanist hath been sent 'pon his pilgrimage this eve'. 'Tis uncertain whether or not he shalt return.

I doubt it.


Title: Re: [Report] Stop & Search Results: A note to Captain Morana
Post by: Raiden Morana on September 24, 2008, 07:09:42 am
*Raiden nods slowly as he reads the report, removing anything "love themed" from his pack*

Manlubbin' love notes... Watchmen eatin' horse feed... Dodgey literature in Kas's pack... What is the world coming too!

*shiftye eyes*

Just as well ye carried out this stop and search Father.

Hmmm... My pack feels much lighter... *whistles*


Raiden, Grenadier Captain.