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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on September 29, 2008, 07:45:21 am

Title: Safe Sanctuary? Nay This Night!
Post by: Raiden Morana on September 29, 2008, 07:45:21 am
Attended by:

Raiden, Grenadier Captain. (leading)
Hoagie, Sergeant.
Takeamada, Regular Grenadier.
Marcus Kobra, Junior Guardsman.
Eddy, Guardsman Recruit.
Synara Kahn, Guardsman Recruit.

Siegfried, Templar Seneschal Preceptor.

Coin for the coffers: Marcus Kobra 2,500.
Coin for the Church: Raiden Morana 5,000.

Although the lands for the most part are in a state of peace since the signing of the Minoc Accord we can't allow ourselves to get ring rusty. Especially if we are going to 'persuade' Baron Fairholm to return the Altmere province to Covian sovereignty.

I explained to the guardsmen gathered that we were not facing any truly formidable foes, but we would be facing many so teamwork, tight healing and following orders were of the utmost importance and without further ado Guardsman Recruit Kahn opened a portal to Sanctuary.

We advanced slowly. The first of our enemies sought to confuse us by taking on the form of Junior Kobra and then Sergeant Hoagie, but this only made the guardsmen attack with renewed vigor. We forced our way through barricades and advanced through the underground settlement slaying orcs and their captains, ogres, hardened ettins and cyclops as we went.


Deeper and deeper we pressed, leaving a trail of death and destruction in our wake. Word of our assault had quickly made it's way around the caverns however as the number of defenders increased and surrounded our brave band.

Fighting back to back, battered and bruised we drove off attack after attack until finally the weight of enemy numbers overwhelmed us. Good work by Recruits Synara and Eddy allowed us to regroup and muster ourselves for a counterattack. After fierce close quarter fighting we managed to regain a foothold and make a fighting withdrawl back out through the ruined underground town and back into the daylight.

Although sheer weight of enemy numbers had forced us to withdraw rather raggedly then men showed great courage and heeded their orders well, whether they be targets, formations or healing.

Well done guardsmen!


Raiden, Grenadier Captain.

[ooc]Well done everyone! It got a bit sticky near the end but I hope you had fun![/ooc]

Title: Re: Safe Sanctuary? Nay This Night!
Post by: Siegfried on September 29, 2008, 08:32:04 am
The Templar's nostrels flare as he reads the position by his name!