Title: For Kiko Post by: Takeamada on October 07, 2008, 04:12:45 pm Here is your Civilian profile sheet for shillings, just cut and past to: Citizen Administration Board as a new story! The first line is the subject of the new story and the rest is the main body of the text, I figured you being busy an all I would help you out with this!
Kiko Takeamura - Commoner (0) Name: Kiko Takeamura. Occupation: Cook. Current Standing: Commoner. Current Shilling Count: 0/500. Shillings awarded for: Citizen task board tasks: 0/3 Cultural Events attended: 0/1 Adding to the Covian culture: 0/1 Other / miscellaneous tasks: 0 Events led: 0 (if applies to your rank) TRIAL: Not passed Title: Re: For Kiko Post by: Kelly Sanderson on October 09, 2008, 12:24:24 pm Nice of you to help Take, but isn't this already on the Citizen Boards?
I'm sure Octi has a thread with it on there. ;) |