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Element boards => Completed Citizen Tasks => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on October 11, 2008, 08:54:21 pm

Title: Bows For Our Boys!
Post by: Raiden Morana on October 11, 2008, 08:54:21 pm
The Task.

The army stores are running low on bows and crossbows. Recruits keep breaking them and the dead leave them strewn on battlefields all over Sosaria.

The army requires:

20 Bows (Exceptional)
20 Crossbows (Exceptional)


*No more than 10 of each may be crafted by the same person.
*The army will pay 100 gold or award 5 shillings for each bow handed into the stores.
*Your full report of this task will receive 25 shillings.

Title: Re: Bows For Our Boys!
Post by: Maccen on October 12, 2008, 05:49:20 pm
Well Seeing as payment for that cleaning job was going to take awhile. I set off to arm the army! I don't keep lumber laying about so I had to go out into the woods and knock down about a hunerd a tree or two....  Its blasted hard work knockn' em down! Once I had some logs I set down in a clearing to whittle 'em down to a strong yet slightly flexable shape! I bent the bows and stung em, even used that special string I got in Trinsic! Suppose to make them a touch more deadlier! "Warning: Sudden user death may occur. Operate only with a life insurance policy purchased from Trinsic insurance agency."  Whats all that about!?

Eh no bother! Once I had about 18 made I headed back only to realize of the limitations on the order. Well I'd turn in 10 and make a tidy profit on the rest!
I received 20 gold each for the 8 extras I had and made my way out after I turned em over to Mister Stubs  Gayner Hoagie.



Maccen Korten, Commoner

Title: Re: Bows For Our Boys!
Post by: Axiana on October 12, 2008, 08:14:09 pm
Maccen Korten awarded 25 Shillings

Title: Re: Bows For Our Boys!
Post by: Takeamada on October 13, 2008, 07:08:06 am
(http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/1648/bowsforcovedt9.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)

* Signed *

Edward Striker
Citizen of Cove
Grenadier Caretaker

(Please note, no payment was made! {The army will pay 100 gold or award 5 shillings for each bow handed into the stores-*Your full report of this task will receive 25 shillings*.}  Shillings are nice!).

Title: Re: Bows For Our Boys!
Post by: Axiana on October 13, 2008, 11:37:07 am
Edward Striker awarded 25 Shillings for the report and a further 100 Shillings for 10 bows and 10 Crossbows, since no payment received for them.

10 Crossbows (Exceptional) are still required.