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In Character Boards => Old Announcements => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on October 21, 2008, 08:44:12 am

Title: The Grand Covian Recruitment Campaign - Win 250k
Post by: Raiden Morana on October 21, 2008, 08:44:12 am
With the Covian army still feeling the losses of the Border Wars conflict it is time once again to spread the word and press gang the citizens of Sosaria into our ranks... I mean... Invite them to join us for a life of adventure and fortune in the Covian army! Har!


You may place banners at all public moongates but you may not place them in towns occupied by rival forces, i.e. Vesper, Trinsic (including the Elven Quarter), Skara Brae and Yew etc. However as Britain is an open city you may place banners within it's limits.

The competition works like this:

*Recruiting a new PLAYER to the Baronship- 10 Points
(not an alt of an existing player - with a picture posted in this thread)
*Running a recruitment parade - 5 points
(With a report on the IC Board)
*Placing posters at moongates, dungeons & banks etc. - 1 point per banner
(Posted in the Grand Banner Campaign or Citizen's banner thread)

Cross shard recruitment efforts receive double points.

The person with the most points in their admin files for these recruitment related activities for the period - Sunday 19th October - Sunday 16th November 2008 will be declared the winner. Prizes will also be handed out to the 2nd and 3rd placed entrants.

The competition is open to all guardsmen and citizens, including officers and dignitaries.

I will post a running commentary of people's recruiting efforts each week in this thread.

Recruitment supplies can be located in the recruitment pouch inside the barracks, which will be kept well stocked or they can be obtained by contacting a member of Command. Remember with the "Jack of all trades" skill boost it is quite easy to copy your own leaflets, just be sure they are copied from the standard recruitment literature from the recruitment pouch.

So what are you waiting for? Get out there, and get recruiting!


Title: Re: The Grand Covian Recruitment Campaign - Win 250k
Post by: Raiden Morana on October 26, 2008, 09:59:30 pm
Sunday 26/10/08

Torrak Keres - 13 pts.

Title: Re: The Grand Covian Recruitment Campaign - Win 250k
Post by: Raiden Morana on November 03, 2008, 09:17:58 am
Sunday 02/11/08

Takeamada ~ 48
Raiden ~ 18
Torrak ~ 13
Marcus Kobra ~ 10

Title: Re: The Grand Covian Recruitment Campaign - Win 250k
Post by: Raiden Morana on November 10, 2008, 08:51:48 am
Sunday 09/11/08

Takeamada ~ 105
Raiden ~ 81
Torrak ~ 13
Marcus Kobra ~ 10

Title: Re: The Grand Covian Recruitment Campaign - Win 250k
Post by: Raiden Morana on November 16, 2008, 07:27:35 pm
Sunday 16/11/08

Raiden ~ 178 *winner*
Takeamada ~ 138
Torrak ~ 13
Marcus Kobra ~ 10