Title: [COMPLETE] Guardsman Duties - Kas Valentine & "Buttons" Post by: Raiden Morana on October 22, 2008, 10:09:57 am *Raiden paced up and down in front of the guardsmen as they stood in his office*
"Are you mad?" *wafts at Kas* "Insane!?" *pokes at Buttons* "Vandalisin' the Swaggers! It's one o' the few taverns we're nay barred from! And with Becca up the stick too... How's she gonna clean tha' mess up!?" "Dunno Sir..." "Well she aint... Ye are! Get yer arses down to the Swaggers sharpish and give it a damn good clean. I want a report on my desk before nightfall." "Yes Sir..." "Oh and lads..." "Aye Sir?" "See if ye can't eavesdrop a few conversations eh? See what ye can find out." *winks* "Yes Sir." "Well... What yer dawdlin' here fer? Hup hup! That ransid egg stain wont clean itself!" [ooc]An admin mark will be given to the reporter. You will both receive a promotional requirement mark for completing the task.[/ooc] Title: Re: Guardsman Duties - Kas Valentine & "Buttons" Post by: Kas Valentine on October 22, 2008, 05:43:11 pm Of course Captain.
(A picture of a really fat man with an ugly face saying "Yes 'Becca, no 'Becca, three bags full 'Becca" is roughly scribbled over at the bottom of the page) Signed in purposefully sloppy handwriting, Regular Guardsman Kas Valentine. Title: Re: Guardsman Duties - Kas Valentine & "Buttons" Post by: Amadeus Lewis on October 23, 2008, 11:41:30 pm *a note sits on Raiden's desk, in shaky handwriting*
Sir, Upon hearing the...punishments...handed down to my fellow soldiers, I must admit that I too was involved in the...egg...incident. I shall nay blame it on the influences of my senior officers, for I was as much...involved....as they were. Please fergive me fer only now speakin up... Title: Re: Guardsman Duties - Kas Valentine & "Buttons" Post by: Raiden Morana on October 24, 2008, 07:19:22 am Ah... It's good ter see folk facin' up ter the consequences o' their actions.
I have a special somethin' planned fer ye recruit. Keep an eye on the notice board. Kas, Buttons! Where's my bloody report. *signed* Raiden, Commander. Title: Re: Guardsman Duties - Kas Valentine & "Buttons" Post by: Kas Valentine on October 26, 2008, 01:43:28 am S'coming Captain !
Would you believe there was a shortage of buckets and soft cloth throughout the land....? We tried in vain to acquire said washing materials but with no success. The shopkeepers informed us that this situation will change as soon as the shipment arrives from Yew. Apparently they have no need for cleanliness over there so the caravans are coming straight back. We'll have the Swaggers sparkling, don't you worry. Signed in blossoming handwriting, Regular Guardsman Kas Valentine. Title: Re: Guardsman Duties - Kas Valentine & "Buttons" Post by: Raiden Morana on November 04, 2008, 12:43:18 pm *In the bottom corner of the notice a doodle of an Arcanist and Junior Guardsman receiving lashes for not completing their duties can be seen as it is repinned to the notice board*
Title: Re: Guardsman Duties - Kas Valentine & "Buttons" Post by: Delfer on November 08, 2008, 01:36:35 am Cleaning Swaggers! When: 07/11/08 Commanding Officer: Buttons, Junior Guardsmen Guardsmen in Attendance: Kas Valentine, Kas and I were finally re-united after the egg-splattering (http://img355.imageshack.us/img355/2213/88287084ct8.png) We arrived at the scene. It was covered head-to-toe in shell debris and yoke residue. We had a lot of work to do but we wouldn't give in! We prepared our buckets and took out our rags, ready to do war with the egg menace! (http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/7547/ngau2.png) (http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/8925/guruj2.png) We cleaned and cleaned, cleaned and cleaned more. We fought the eggs on the floor, the steps and on the railing. We fought it on the walls, the doors and the arch-ways. We cleaned it off the windows and pulled it out of the fabrics. We scraped the eggs off every part of Swaggers including the roof! The mess we made was no match for our cleaning capabilities! What would take a hundred men a hundred days to do we did in about an hour! By the time we were done Swaggers was sparkling! Not an egg to be seen! Swaggers was better than it ever was before! (http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/5867/arepa1.png) (http://img131.imageshack.us/img131/9952/arefht2.png) Sadly, no "information" other than how to remove tough egg stains from wood was obtained. *Signed* Delferium, Junior Guardsman Title: Re: Guardsman Duties - Kas Valentine & "Buttons" Post by: Raiden Morana on November 08, 2008, 09:18:59 am Raiden reads the report and nods satisfied.
Title: Re: Guardsman Duties - Kas Valentine & "Buttons" Post by: Tom Rook on November 08, 2008, 02:50:08 pm Peers around the shadowed corner, sprinting to glance at the report as Morana walks out of sight. Eyes dancing all over the report, the Wytch Hunter mutters, dropping the report to the floor before sprinting back into the shadows.