Title: [Reports] Mass Post by: Siegfried on November 02, 2008, 08:59:32 pm Brothers,
A mass was conducted on the eve' of November 2nd, covering the recent uprising of the undead and Guardian spawn pillaging townships throughout Britannia, for whom the Drow art to blame. Tithe was collected from all in attendance, which consisted of Covians, Yewish, and various citizenry; from whom a few confessions were't heard. (http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/5660/masssn7.png) Title: [Reports] Mass Post by: Siegfried on November 06, 2008, 07:34:54 pm (http://img224.imageshack.us/img224/2246/grapeslo4.png) Later that evening... Title: *Letter to the Church* Post by: Axiana on November 19, 2008, 03:51:05 pm * A letter is sent to the church from Axiana Masteen, detailing within her <a href="http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php topic,11208.msg80226.html#msg80226">ordeal [/url]and the warning given by the Drow Vierna Hu'nett *
Title: Re: [Reports] Mass Post by: Warren Marshall on November 23, 2008, 08:36:23 pm Father,
In thy absence this eve I didst lead the congregation in Mass, concerning Archangel Hydros, Titan of Water. In our congregation we didst hath a curious female from a savage land who didst ask much of me - I wouldst ask that the Sister's prepare some tomes as she hath requested for some reading at home. (http://img367.imageshack.us/img367/1231/mass2hz1.jpg) |