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In Character Boards => Old Events => Topic started by: Ezekiel on November 11, 2008, 07:14:43 pm

Title: [16/11/08] Trial of Valentine & Keres [9pm GMT]
Post by: Ezekiel on November 11, 2008, 07:14:43 pm
*Posters are nailed to every notice board in Britannia, and criers throughout the land bellow the news*

Citizens of Britannia,

This coming Sunday the 16th at the 9th hour, 'Kas Valentine', Regular Guardsman, and 'Torrak Keres', Watchman, both of the army of the Baronship of Cove are due to stand trial before the Magistrates of the Court of Justice in Yew, following the questionable circumstances surrounding the death of 'Yenril Darkeyes', Guardsman Recruit, also of the army of the Baronship of Cove.

They stand accused of misconduct in the case of an escaped criminal from custody within the Baronship, and conspiracy to commit the murder of Yenril Darkeyes. If found guilty they will be sentenced to hang by the neck until dead; until the trial, the two men accused are being held under watch in the cells of the Court of Justice in Yew.

Citizens throughout Britannia are invited to attend and witness Justice being done. Persons bearing arms or armour will be refused entry into the courthouse.