Title: Commander's Walk About. Post by: Raiden Morana on November 18, 2008, 09:33:43 pm Attended by: Raiden, Commander.
Led by: Raiden, Commander. Most Valuable Guardsman: Raiden, Commander. Most Handsome Guardsman: Raidy! Loot for the coffers: None! I stuck it in my bank! Areas patrolled: Orc Fort, Graveyard, Shire Ruins, The Goblin, The Swaggers & The Trinsic Rose! My incessant shouting and pigeons brought no aid so I set about the eve's duties alone. First off a trip to the orc fort to give the green skins a damn good thrashing! I smashed a swathe through their ranks venturing deep into the fort to draw out an orc champion from his slumber. I lured him away from his minions before smashing him to the floor for a liberal dose of Grenadier stomping! (http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/6420/commanderpatrolsdu4.jpg) Bish! Bash! Bosh! After dropping off the coins I had liberated at the bank I made my way the the graveyard! The bone chilling calls of the dead and the stench of rotting flesh did nothing to dissuade me from giving the deadites a bloody good hiding! A conflagration took care of the decomposing corpses. I then headed through the shire towards Vesper and came across some inumanly ugly man who wanted me to hand over all my worldly goods. Well tish and pish to him. I gave him a swift dose of my mace before heading for the Swaggers. With the Goblin boarded up, I headed to the Swaggers but alas it was empty as was the Trinsic Rose. The Churchies will be pleased. Not that i ventured to these establishments in search of ale... *shity eyes* With all these fine establishments, our shire, graveyard and ord fort secured or cleansed I head home in time for tea! Orcs slain: 137 Deadites smashed: 92 Inhuman gits bashed: 1 Taverns visited: 3 Fair maidens swooned: 0 *shifty eyes* *signed* Raiden, Commander. Title: Re: Commander's Walk About. Post by: Marcus Kobra on November 19, 2008, 07:16:35 am *Marcus stops off at the barracks, chair over his back, to read the latest reports. He mutters to himself as he reads. "Well maybe if they hadn't ceded the Altmere as neutral lands the pigeon relays might have still been in proper order. Just maybe he'd got his stinkin' help. By Avatar above the Loyalists had best stay off my land. But oh the Commander need nay worry about the precious peace. . . I'd like to see a quiet winter for once. Look to the coming thaw and in its first light shall my sword be upraised to thee" He then trudged off to Altmere with his burden grumbling all the way.* |