Title: All That Sparkles Turns Into Gold Post by: Raiden Morana on December 01, 2008, 08:10:37 pm Attended by:
Raiden, Commander (leading) Hoagie, Sergeant Synara Khan, Guardsman Recruit. With the work on the Memorial Square completed (just) and the coffers looking rather bare I decided it was time to gather some loot but with only Hoagie and the Recruit awake we couldn't carry much. I decided that the gems that can be found in the rat caves of Ilshenar would be our mission, with our packs bulging with precious stones we should be able to raise a pretty penny at the jewellers in Britain. Off we jogged to the moongate and through the portal to Sacrifice. We despatched some roaming brigands and breached the ratmen's outer defences before making our way inside the cavern. We found an abandonned cart full of ore and gems but while we were filling our packs rock monsters attacked. No wonder the prospector had left in a hurry. (http://img379.imageshack.us/img379/4563/gemsdj1.jpg) Fortunately us Covians are made of sterner stuff and we beat back the rock monsters prying loose any jewels that we could. The Recuit took a bit of a flesh wound so made her way back to the hospital while Sergeant Hoagie and myself bished and bashed until our packs were bulging. The Sergeant and I met up at the jewellers and weighed in our spoils in return for a large pile of coins. It didn't seem much for our troubles but that's the way of the world at the moment. None the less we deposited the coins at the bank and went for a well earned spot of relaxing and noseying around the Memorial Square. *signed* Raiden, Commander. |