Title: Attacking The Great Nests Post by: Raiden Morana on December 17, 2008, 10:36:21 pm Attended by:
Raiden, Commander Hoagie, Mercenary Sergeant Ever willing to fight for freedom, not to mention Sosaria's very existance The Company, represented by Sergeant Hoagie and myself presented itself along with other warriors from around the lands to do battle against the evil that lies behind the current invasions. (http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/6990/champhuntho1.jpg) Commander Morana and Sergeant Hoagie do battle against the arachnid hordes! We gathered at Badlands Trinsic and made the journey on foot to where the arachnid hives were located. At first we were faced with giant spiders and scorpions but as the fighting wore on terrathons and dread spiders were unleashed against our forces. Our brave band was almost overcome several times by sheer weight of enemy numbers but we kept on driving the arachnid scum back from whence they came. Another Covian victory and another Company victory! *signed* Raiden, Commander. Title: Re: Attacking The Great Nests Post by: Hoagie on December 21, 2008, 07:46:58 pm (http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/917/spidermi3.png) (http://img364.imageshack.us/img364/3751/77553599in5.png) Victory!Title: Attacking The Great Nests ~ The Reptillian Hordes Post by: Raiden Morana on December 29, 2008, 08:14:20 pm Attended by:
Raiden, Commander. (Leading Company forces) Hoagie, Mercenary Sergeant. Marcus Kobra, Officer Cadet. Kas Valentine, Veteran Mercenary. Betty Smyth, Mercenary Recruit. Thomas Deburg, Mercenary Recruit. We rallied on the barracks rooftop for parade where mercenary Marcus Kobra was confirmed as Officer Cadet before we readied ourselves for the journey into the Badlands. Our liege Baron Octiovus arrived at parade just in time to wish us well on The Company's latest mission to save the world. (http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/4781/nests2kg7.jpg) *signed* Raiden, Commander. Title: Attacking The Great Nests ~ The Rate Hordes. Post by: Raiden Morana on January 14, 2009, 10:53:52 pm Attended by:
Raiden, Commander. (leading) Hoagie, Mercenary Sergeant. Kas Valentine, Veteran Mercenary. Perrin, Mercenary. Faden Wildheart, Mercenary Recruit. We gathered once again in the Badlands at Trinsic's west gate. Warriors from around the lands joined to give battle to the evil hordes once more... And to poke fun at the Yew Militia, with rumours of an elf king doing the rounds. Hoh! Escaflowne of Vesper led us to the first nest but our forces came under heavy attack from cutthroats, brigands and murderers and were forced to retreat. Having rallied once again in Delucia news of a second nest being discovered reached us so we force marched to it's location. (http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/6295/ratnestxe1.jpg) Another nest vanquished by the Company! Once there we gave battle to the rat hordes. Making short work of the cheese-eating swines, banged up as we were. It wasn't long before their champion was summoned forth and swiftly put to the sword but not before it gave up the location of it's wealth. Hoh! If the lad's packs were as deep as mine they should have pulled at least ten thousand coins apiece if not more, so not only did we save the world (once again), we made a profit too, with every man keeping what he looted. Well done lads! For the Company and for Cove. *signed* Raiden, Commander. |