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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Linaeus on January 04, 2009, 03:48:55 am

Title: Epic Training 2: Revenge of the Keres
Post by: Linaeus on January 04, 2009, 03:48:55 am
Where: The Barracks and Covetowne
When: January 3rd, 2009


Leading: Torrak Keres, Mercenary
Attending: Raiden Morana, Commander
                 Hoagie, Mercenary Sergeant
                 Marcus Kobra, Officer Cadet
                 Kas Valentine, Veteran Mercenary
                 Takeamada, Mercenary

Seemed to me everyone was just sort'o sitting around or drinking (or both) so I called a training. Weh started out with a bit o' my dreaded physical training, in which I shout random orders to individual attendees to keep 'em on their toes and make sure 'ey can follow orders.

All o'a sudden, I orders'em to arm their parade arms and launch into a free-for-all! Th'men performed admirably, massin' their attacks t'knock each othar one by one 'till finally th'Commander gained the upper hand and won.

Next we did a bit o' subterfuge trainin'. I had Kas attempt to impersonate 'ah Trinsican - e' failed miserably. The Commander did an impression of Sarge, an' did it perfectly. 'ah connae tell he wasnt Sarge for a momen'. Sarge then did an excellen' impression of 'em Skarans. We ended this section o'the training with a fist fight.
Training Part Two: The Keres Strikes Back

So after we'd done that bit, we staggered off to Town and did two rounds o' Combat Hide And Seek. Team Extremely Awesome won the First round as Seekers, and lost the second round (after losing Sarge to Team Significantly Less Awesome). Marcus 'ad t'go before we started, 'ough.

The teams were as follows:
- Round One -
Team Extremely Awesome (Seekers)
- Hoagie
- Torrak
- Takeamada
Team Significantly Less Awesome (Hiders)
- Raiden
- Kas
- Round Two -
Team Less Awesome Than Before (Seekers)
- Hoagie
- Raiden
- Takeamada
Team Only Slightly Less Awesome (Hiders)
- Kas
- Torrak

Seekers won both rounds.

Topics Covered:
- Following Orders
- Physical Fitness
- Impersonating Allies
- Impersonating Enemies
- Impersonating Comrades
- Unarmed Combat
- How to hit things with your parade arm for maximum effect
- Calling Targets
- Urban Combat

*signed sloppily*
Torrak Keres, Mercenary Trainer Extraordinaire

Title: Re: Epic Training 2: Revenge of the Keres
Post by: Raiden Morana on January 04, 2009, 11:48:03 am
Grand work Keres.

More trainin's is what the Company needs.


Raiden, Commander.

Title: Re: Epic Training 2: Revenge of the Keres
Post by: Kas Valentine on January 06, 2009, 01:46:45 pm
I now feel thoroughly trained, or perhaps thoroughly beaten, it's hard to tell the difference most of the time. Regardless I just thought I'd mention the dream I had when I was beaten to the floor during the hand to hand fighting session. Three spirits with a tremendous sense of rhythm and timing appeared in the air, dancing my mind back to a conscious state.

I drew a picture !

(http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/3104/arfju9.png) (http://imageshack.us)

Thank you funk elementals, I am in your debt.

Signed in wibbly wobbly handwriting,
Veteran Mercenary Kas Valentine.

Title: Re: Epic Training 2: Revenge of the Keres
Post by: Raiden Morana on January 06, 2009, 01:54:13 pm

I shared a similar vision as I was knocked cold at the same trainin' session.



Raiden, Commander.