Title: Orc attack! Post by: Takeamada on January 05, 2009, 06:40:37 pm 05-01-09 18:00 (GMT)
Company Headquarters (out front) Takeamada, Mercenary Railen, VTC Lady in peril Edward Striker, Beaten Hero! (http://img389.imageshack.us/img389/9522/orcattackte7.jpg) (http://img389.imageshack.us/my.php?image=orcattackte7.jpg) *signed * Takeamada Mercenary of Cove Title: Re: Orc attack! Post by: Edward Striker on January 05, 2009, 06:52:39 pm Takeamada asked me to add what had happen! I was walking from the City Square to the barracks when I saw Miss Railen! I said hi and saw she was in fear! She warned me brigands were about! Just as she said that two cam from between the church and the Goblin with weapons drawn! I took my bow and fired at the lead brigand attacking Miss Railen, then the other! As I checked to see if she was all right and we walked towards the barracks a third brigand attacked along with a giant spider! I told Railen to run! She did not! I guess the fear of the giant spider froze her in her tracks! I did what I could and drop both targets, after taking a few hit to the both of us!
As I was checking on Miss Railen this beast, an orc (Kusghaal BoC) showed up demanding taxes! Again I told Railen to run! She just stood there! The Orc armed himself with a crossbow! I did my best to defend her, but was knocked out by the orc’s attack! When I came to, Miss Railen was gone and I saw Takeamada approaching from the west! So I told him to go save her and pointed east! The rest is as he reported! * Signed * Edward Striker Cartaker Bronze Arms Inn |