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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on January 08, 2009, 01:41:51 pm

Title: Free 10x10 House Plot
Post by: Raiden Morana on January 08, 2009, 01:41:51 pm
Posted on behalf of Gwen Irima (DoT)

It's the plot directly north of the Trinsic Rose tavern.

ICQ 122488731

~ ~ ~

Don't forget, there's plenty of space around Cove too for housing! ;)

Title: Re: Free 10x10 House Plot
Post by: Faden on January 08, 2009, 01:47:03 pm
I said I wouldn't get a house spot until a month after being back, however I am finding it really hard to play my characters when their banks are full and so are their bags.

I need a home. For now I'll probably setup in a small house in Spiritwood then move to a big place (like I did last year).

If anyone sees a spot around Cove please let me know. I might even be interested in the Trinsic one, I'll ICQ.


Title: Re: Free 10x10 House Plot
Post by: Kas Valentine on January 08, 2009, 02:42:15 pm
S'two spots in Cove at the moment (that I know of), X marks the spot !

(http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/7585/81388399bg5.png) (http://imageshack.us)

Spot two is a lot bigger than spot one but they're both pretty cosy. :D

Title: Re: Free 10x10 House Plot
Post by: Raiden Morana on January 08, 2009, 03:53:34 pm
The Cove Stables plot is available too:


It's a few screens east of the barracks. I think there's a little space east of that too.

Title: Re: Free 10x10 House Plot
Post by: Marcus Kobra on January 08, 2009, 04:40:42 pm
Indeed you all are correct. If you desire a cozy home there are places available in the shire and along the south coast. You may not be in Cove proper buuut you will be in the shire!


Title: Re: Free 10x10 House Plot
Post by: Khaelieth on January 08, 2009, 04:48:33 pm
Thread usefulness served! Thread locked!

Title: Re: Free 10x10 House Plot
Post by: Faden on January 08, 2009, 05:52:17 pm
S'two spots in Cove at the moment (that I know of), X marks the spot !

(http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/7585/81388399bg5.png) (http://imageshack.us)

Spot two is a lot bigger than spot one but they're both pretty cosy. :D

Thanks for the map but someones just took house 1 :(

House 2 already has a house there?

Title: Re: Free 10x10 House Plot
Post by: Kas Valentine on January 08, 2009, 06:29:47 pm
Heh Jeepers !

Spot two has been taken today, but spot one is still open. ;)

Title: Re: Free 10x10 House Plot
Post by: Faden on January 09, 2009, 12:45:37 am
Spot one is now gone :D

Thanks Kas.