Welcome to Cove

OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Nephrit on January 08, 2009, 04:09:28 pm

Title: Hello all together *smile*
Post by: Nephrit on January 08, 2009, 04:09:28 pm
I am Nephrit

and I want to visit you here in this Forum.

I am not a citizen of Cove yet and I do not even have an Ultima Online account. But I want to look for a first contact to step into your great community.

I want to ask you to introduce BoC to me if you have a little bit time and mood to do that.
Maybe we can find a way to add Nephrit as one more member of your amazing world *smile*.

Thank you for


Title: Re: Hello all together *smile*
Post by: Khaelieth on January 08, 2009, 04:49:30 pm
Sure, you're welcome here! i'd suggest you get a trial Ultima account first, probably easier that way.

Title: Re: Hello all together *smile*
Post by: Faden on January 08, 2009, 05:18:34 pm
Welcome, if you have any particular questions just ask and we'll try help.

I look forward to seeing you around Cove!

Title: Re: Hello all together *smile*
Post by: Hoagie on January 08, 2009, 05:29:54 pm

You'd be welcomed here, of course, and I'm sure you'd enjoy it.

Take a look around the forums, and I hope to see you in game!

Title: Re: Hello all together *smile*
Post by: Raven on January 09, 2009, 01:43:50 am

We're an awesome bunch, and it would be good to have more in the community :)

Title: Re: Hello all together *smile*
Post by: Kiko on January 09, 2009, 05:08:32 am
Well, you wanted an introduction to BoC. I haven't been in the guild very long, nor do I have alot of time to roll play...But in the past few months, my character has been mugged, kidnapped (very fun by the way!!!!, though I was told never to do it again....), helped plan a wedding....I think that's all that's been overly note worthy, at least on the excitement scale.

All in all, even if you can't be a die hard gamer, there's still lots going on here and lots of fun to be had! And I've yet to meet anyone in the guild that wasn't friendly and helpful, at least OOC.

Title: Re: Hello all together *smile*
Post by: Nephrit on January 09, 2009, 09:46:42 am
Hello and thank you for your welcome *smile*,

I am going to download Ultima Online this coming weekend.
I read this homepage and the forum a lot already - and a couple of times. I played UO before already and had a very short contact 20 months before. I am still curious *smile*.

In fact - although a read a lot - I still don't see cleary what kind of life is in BoC. Citizen life and military life - I got. I am really not a military type. Somehow I like peaceful together. I like to detect personalities and souls *smile*.

What kind of life may Nephrit enter? I am looking forward for some suggestions!

Thank you Kiko for you impression. I am thinking that a role-playing ist not a hack and slay game. I have never found a more useful game for roleplaying than UO.

Thank you a lot!


Title: Re: Hello all together *smile*
Post by: Raiden Morana on January 09, 2009, 11:16:19 am
Hello Nephrit and welcome to our forums.

I'm glad to hear you have enjoyed viewing our web site and forums and that you are thinking of joining BoC.

If you have any questions please send me a message via the forums and I'll do my best to answer them for you.

I look forward to seeing you in game soon.

Raiden (GM),
The Baronship Of Cove.

Title: Re: Hello all together *smile*
Post by: Khaelieth on January 09, 2009, 12:52:24 pm
In fact - although a read a lot - I still don't see cleary what kind of life is in BoC. Citizen life and military life - I got. I am really not a military type. Somehow I like peaceful together. I like to detect personalities and souls *smile*.

What kind of life may Nephrit enter? I am looking forward for some suggestions!

Well, there are two main types - mercenary and citizen. They're fairly self-explanatory and perhaps where you should begin.

Aside from that there's the Church, the Thieves (Hats) and the Orcs. Now orcs, that's where it's at atm. They're sexy, brawny and brainy!

Title: Re: Hello all together *smile*
Post by: Hoagie on January 09, 2009, 03:27:21 pm
If you don't want to fight much, there's still a lot you can do. You can try to rise up through the ranks of criminals, or lead a simpler life as a citizen, providing services to gain standing in the community.

Title: Re: Hello all together *smile*
Post by: Nephrit on January 12, 2009, 11:01:18 am
Well *smile*,

I entered the game. UO seems not to be that populated anymore. I felt lost.
I remember that members of BoC were around Cove all time. But this weekend I didnt see any. Do you still play?

If you dont play UO anymore - what do you play instead?

Have a nice day *smile*


Title: Re: Hello all together *smile*
Post by: Raven on January 12, 2009, 11:15:02 am
I was around Saturday and Sunday evening, so were a lot of other players! Do you use ICQ at all?

Title: Re: Hello all together *smile*
Post by: Raiden Morana on January 12, 2009, 11:40:30 am
Well *smile*,

I entered the game. UO seems not to be that populated anymore. I felt lost.
I remember that members of BoC were around Cove all time. But this weekend I didnt see any. Do you still play?

If you dont play UO anymore - what do you play instead?

Have a nice day *smile*


While you are correct in saying UO is not as populated as it was a year or two ago BoC is very much active, if not the most active role play guild around at the moment.

Saturday evening we hosted a busy market at the Memorial Square (large plot immediately outside the town gates), suffered a raid by orcs and generally enjoyed some RP afterwards around the Memorial Square area and also the Green Goblin tavern (a few screens north of the Memorial Square).

Sunday evening we had our regular parade at the barracks, which was later <a href="http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,11531.msg81076.html#new>attacked by orcs [/url], in greater force this time and again people were around RPing in the tavern and going about their business for some time afterwards.

Our most active periods tend to be between 8pm and midnight GMT, though we do have members RPing outside these hours. If you need any further information contact me via the forum or via ICQ 205754768.


Title: Re: Hello all together *smile*
Post by: Khaelieth on January 12, 2009, 01:37:22 pm
Your timezone may have something to do with it. We're a GMT based guild, with some U.S.anians and some CET folks.

Title: Re: Hello all together *smile*
Post by: Edward Striker on January 12, 2009, 06:30:06 pm
Welcome, If being a civilian (Crafter or employee) the please contact me!  ICQ 441-049-714.  I well help you along that path!  I am one of the yanks that play on Europa, the finest RP shard in the land!  Or if you have questions in general, feel free to ask away!

Edward Striker
Steward of Cove
(and general nice guy!)

Title: Re: Hello all together *smile*
Post by: Roland Dagorian on January 14, 2009, 02:46:59 am
Also, although it's a Covian guild, most of the people congregate in the player housing just north of the actual city, in particular the Barracks and the tavern. 

Title: Re: Hello all together *smile*
Post by: Nephrit on January 18, 2009, 06:10:39 pm
Thank you very much for your warm welcome. I am a member of your guild now. I reactivated ICQ (it took hours *smile*).
I dont know how Nephrit will develope. But I am surious *smile*.

Ill see in the game.


Title: Re: Hello all together *smile*
Post by: Nephrit on January 19, 2009, 08:27:59 am
Thank you very much for your warm welcome. I am a member of your guild now. I reactivated ICQ (it took hours *smile*).
I dont know how Nephrit will develope. But I am surious *smile*.

Ill see you in the game.
