Title: *A Flayed Human Nailed To The City Wall* Post by: Khaelieth on January 09, 2009, 03:41:06 pm And beside it, pinned to the wall, is its skin with scribblings and a sketch written onto it.
Lati blagh humunz! Fink lati khan stand ageynst gūri?! Wehll, za Ashdurbūk, za Shum Ash, habve in him mercy, shown lati whad happunz u humunz dat am tuu stuwpid u lhern Uruk, AGH tryj tuw fiyte uz! Diz am skedjez frum Urksik, de lazht pleyze za Ashdurbūk dezyded u sadauk! Wibve smahrt humun allyez, gūri slauderd Urksik agh narash prutekht id! Whore am latiob Avatar nhuw, blagh tarki snagi?! Za Ashdurbūk welkhomz humunz dat whunt tu whurk fur him, eider willyingly ahs soldjurz agh augzilliaryj truupz, uwr uhnwillyinglyz ahs snagi! Za tjoiz ti latiob! (http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/4379/uo0036cd7.jpg) (http://imageshack.us) |