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Element boards => Completed Citizen Tasks => Topic started by: Edward Striker on January 11, 2009, 05:24:14 pm

Title: Tiberus Delmore (Commoner Trails)
Post by: Edward Striker on January 11, 2009, 05:24:14 pm
Commoner Trial:  Mr. Tiberus Delmore

So you’re up for citizen eh, grand!  Lets see if ye are worth the paper will present ya!  I reviewed your training history, seems you’re a talented man!  Lets see how much!  Ye must complete three tasks to qualify!

Task 1:  Go out and mine ore, but not just any ore, it must be shadow ore!  300 ingots worth or more!  And it must be mined within the lands of Cove, Vesper, Almere and/or Minoc.  You must hire protection from the things that lay wait in the cave and may ask for your fellow crafters to support you on your dig!

Task 2:  Come up with a game or event to pick a winner for a new set of armor, which you will craft for him!

Task 3:  Set up a recruitment stall in New Heaven or Britain for a minimum of 30 minutes and attempt to recruit new citizens.  Again for this one you must take at least one other commoner or citizen with you and may ask the Company to provide a security man.

Be sure to document all aspects of your tasks below, so that your progress can be checked!

* Signed *

Edward Striker
Steward of Cove
(http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/2372/stewardssealsw5.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)


Title: Re: Tiberus Delmore (Commoner Trails)
Post by: Takeamada on January 16, 2009, 10:18:57 pm
Task 1:
16-01-09 18:00(GMT)
Cove Town Square
Mining Mission (Tibs’s Trials)

Mission Leader:
Tiberus Delmore (Commoner)

Civilians Attending:
Spud Goodsoup (Commoner)

Mercenaries Attending:
Mercenary Cadet Officer Kobra
Mercenary Sergeant Hoagie
Veteran Mercenary K. Valentine
Mercenary Recruit Raven

(http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/3594/minereportvh3.jpg) (http://img231.imageshack.us/my.php?image=minereportvh3.jpg)

We had to make a couple trips back to the square to smelt the loads we had dug out!  When it was all done we ended up with the following;

Granite regular 3
Granite Bronze 2
Granite Copper 1
Granite Dull Copper 5

Regular 988
Dull Copper 60
Shadow 321
Copper 60
Bronze 24
Agapite 24

Flawless Ruby 1
Flawless Diamond 1

Mercenaries paid:
250 coins per mercenary  1,000
250 for safe return of miners  500
500 for safe return of Packey 500
Bonus for outstanding service 1,000
Total pay for contract: 3,000 coins!

* signed in a dusty hand *

Tiberus Delmore
Covian Crafter
Commoner of Cove

Title: Re: Tiberus Delmore (Commoner Trails)
Post by: Edward Striker on January 23, 2009, 06:30:19 am
The following shilling are awarded:

Tiberus Delmore - 40 shillings

Spud Goodsoup - 25 shillings

* Signed *

Edward Striker
Steward of Cove

Title: Re: Tiberus Delmore (Commoner Trails)
Post by: Freckletip on October 01, 2009, 12:56:53 am
*Penny sets a slightly worn record on top of a growing pile of papers...*

Title: Re: Tiberus Delmore (Commoner Trails)
Post by: Tibs the Crafter on October 22, 2009, 03:33:47 am
Recruiting Stall in Heaven
01:00 22/10/09

Event leader:
Tiberus Delmore

Junior Guardsmen Gabriel Drachen
Watchmen Cor’Vani
Kiran, Bailiff
Van Cocidius, Bouncer
Hadnan Kadere

(http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/7233/tibsrs.jpg) (http://img34.imageshack.us/i/tibsrs.jpg/)

Title: Re: Tiberus Delmore (Commoner Trails)
Post by: Edward Striker on October 26, 2009, 03:29:07 pm

Title: Re: Tiberus Delmore (Commoner Trails)
Post by: Kiran on October 28, 2009, 08:46:30 pm
The following shillings are available for collection at the office.

Tiberus Delmore, 40 shillings

20 shillings for Hadnan Kadere,
20 shillings for Van cocidius.

Thank you for the report, Tiberus, we shall be certain to have the shillings available to you at the bailiff office.


Kiran, bailiff.