Title: Hiding when theres nowhere to hide! Post by: Darath Mithar on May 09, 2005, 05:49:48 pm Well just something i notice alot; stealthers just disappearing when theres absolutly nothing to hide behind/under etc. The middle of the bloody dueling ring is a prime example!
It makes me cringe every time! Does anyone agree that this isnt right? Title: Re: Hiding when theres nowhere to hide! Post by: Daelin on May 09, 2005, 09:08:54 pm Hear Hear!!
I always tell everybody not to hide when they do so in the line of sight etc... just not very roleplay like. :P Title: Re: Hiding when theres nowhere to hide! Post by: John Dell on May 09, 2005, 09:14:16 pm What about if ur being chased by someone, i always want to hide behind a tree, and the one chasing me would go little more rp. Like *looks around* Where did he go etc. Ye know? Or is it jsut me? :)
Title: Re: Hiding when theres nowhere to hide! Post by: Calico on May 09, 2005, 10:33:08 pm If I'm being chased I try to doge around some buildings, or zig zag a lot in the woods till I lose them enought to warent hidding.
If I'm hidding in the barracks I'm almost alwyes AFK... unless shes practicing sneaking up the shadowy stair well and cussing loudly at creaky steps. Title: Re: Hiding when theres nowhere to hide! Post by: Khaelieth on May 10, 2005, 12:29:56 pm same here, but I'm an elf so I'm obliged to be able to climb a tree or something. I've emoted *climbs a tree* and then hidden
Title: Re: Hiding when theres nowhere to hide! Post by: userjosh5368 on May 10, 2005, 09:43:20 pm i think if theres a tree nearby or bush you can say jumps up a tree or hides in the bushes or blends into the shadows