Title: A New King Post by: Perrin on January 14, 2009, 08:33:33 am *With a scowl Perrin pins up an official looking document. Growling and cursing under his breath, he scribbles in a few changes..*
Citizens of Britannia! Know that the Royal Council, in unanimous and glorious unity, has elected from amongst their noble selves a new Know that Lord Casca, ruler of the Kingdom of Britannia, shall lead his people with Know that this decision comes at a time of great uncertainty and trouble for the Kingdom, and that even our Lord Casca has been touched by these events. He hath survived the evil designs of evil men, who sought only to rain chaos down upon fair Britannia. Even as his noble brethren fell to fates most ignominious, he hath been preserved through his own power and prowess, an exemplar for the common man! All hail Lord Casca, All hail our King! *After reading it one more time, Perrin spits in disgust* "He ain't my King..." Title: Re: A New King Post by: Raiden Morana on January 14, 2009, 08:48:22 am S'bad enough the Loyalists blamin' their atrocities on the wishes of an absent king... Now they have a puppet king ter excuse 'em terrorisin' sheep and botherin' travellers on the land's highways.
*scoffs* Long live Baron Octiovus. *signed* Raiden, Commander. Title: Re: A New King Post by: Raven on January 14, 2009, 12:24:10 pm Wha' King? Eh?