Title: Vesper Revolt! Second Engagement Post by: Takeamada on January 15, 2009, 11:37:47 pm 15-01-09 20:30 (GMT)
Vesper Battle Field Defence of Vesper Commanding Commander Raiden Morana Reporting Mercenary Takeamada Attending Mercenary Sergeant Hoagie Veteran Mercenary Kas Valentine Mercenary Perrin Mercenary Falconheart Mercenary Recruit Me’an Silen Mercenary Recruit Faden Wildheart (http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/4858/vf1iv5.jpg) (http://img216.imageshack.us/my.php?image=vf1iv5.jpg) (http://img60.imageshack.us/img60/7395/vf2fn8.jpg) (http://img60.imageshack.us/my.php?image=vf2fn8.jpg) (http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/5857/vf3ip8.jpg) (http://img216.imageshack.us/my.php?image=vf3ip8.jpg) * Signed * Takeamada Company of Cove Title: Re: Vesper Revolt! Second Engagement Post by: Raiden Morana on January 16, 2009, 10:01:09 am Well done men.
The Vesper Union surely would nay have carried the day were it not for our disciplined fighting. Even though we were always at the sharp end of the action, where the fighting was chaotic and fierce the Company kept it's shape and orders were followed for the most part. We certainly earned our shillings tonight... Plus the extra thousand Van gave us without noticing... Or maybe he did and thought we deserved the tip! Grand report Take'. *signed* Raiden, Commander. [ooc]Great to see so many Covians in action. Keep it up![/ooc] Title: Re: Vesper Revolt! Second Engagement Post by: Faden on January 16, 2009, 01:28:19 pm *Cheers!*
Well done lads! It was a fine night, Militia blood spilling here and there, bolts hitting the mages... watching them fall. This is how I like to spend my days! As I said last night, money spent in the Swaggers is better spent in the Goblin! Title: Re: Vesper Revolt! Second Engagement Post by: Raven on January 16, 2009, 01:58:22 pm Well, ahm sure we'll nay grow to hate the militia so quickly... they were our allies fer some time..
Jus' the way mercnearies work, i wouldn't take joy in it, Escaflowne was never a enemy of Cove? Title: Re: Vesper Revolt! Second Engagement Post by: Faden on January 16, 2009, 02:02:36 pm Well sorry if I am too hasty but I was not around then. Right now I am just concerned about making a living. As for the reasoning behind it, that is not my place.
Title: Re: Vesper Revolt! Second Engagement Post by: Raiden Morana on January 16, 2009, 05:04:40 pm S'just business. That's all.
What do I care who sits on the throne o' Vesper. They're all as bad as eachother. S'true we were allies with the Vesper militia nay long ago and once this bother down the road is sorted nay doubt we'll stand side by side with them against the Loyalists once more. I've been a soldier long enough to have seen war with Esca' and Vesper afore though. But like I said... S'just business. *signed* Raiden, Commander. |