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Guardsman Boards => Completed Guardsman Duties => Topic started by: Marcus Kobra on January 17, 2009, 03:34:46 pm

Title: Mecenary Task ~ Scouting Party [COMPLETE]
Post by: Marcus Kobra on January 17, 2009, 03:34:46 pm
Seems our friends, the Meer, are rather confident in our abilities. We've protected Lakeshire, and we nay trashed Twin Oaks! Though now the missions shall be tough. . .

There lies to the North West of Lakeshire, deep in the interior of Ilshenar itself, the settlement known as Ver Lor Reg. Seems the city is filled with Gargoyles. No no Merc, you wont be slaughtering these gargs. Seems these are intelligent and rather civilized. The situation stands that the Meer need us to scout a path to the city so as to reestablish trade. These Gargoyles seem to be master smiths and tinkers and provide the Meer with armour, weapons, and indeed some very strange gadgets.

Reestablish the trade and make certain to represent Cove well. These Gargs -may- prove to be vital allies or even a source of work in the future!

*This task is open to Mercenaries and above.
*Make Certain to clear the roads all the way to Ver Lor Reg.
*Be certain to post a full report up on the Main Notice Board (IC Board).

Note of Caution: The route shall take ye past one of the last vestiges of Lord Blackthorns influence. Nay get yer party killed. You may wish to assault the location on your return journey.


Marcus Kobra, Officer Cadet, Baronship of Cove