Title: Report: Addressing Lord Casca Post by: Raven on January 18, 2009, 08:44:49 pm Lead by:
Raiden Morana Present: Betty Smyth Torrak Keres Edward Striker Kas Valentine Chris Exea Hoagie Delferium Patrick Angelus Raven Perrin Faden Wildheart (http://img02.picoodle.com/img/img02/3/1/18/f_MERCLORDCASm_5b06343.jpg) Raven Title: Re: Report: Addressing Lord Casca Post by: Linaeus on January 18, 2009, 11:02:22 pm Perched on th'battlements, Cove once again showed its natural abiliteh to be 'above' the rest in everythin'...Includin' Spectatin'! The Yewish could only look on in awe as weh sat at eye level wi' their new (Elven) King.
(http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c190/Warbringer/KingCasca.jpg) Sketches By: The Keres Title: Re: Report: Addressing Lord Casca Post by: Raiden Morana on January 20, 2009, 08:05:48 pm Some of my personal drawings from the Kings speech.
He spoke a lotta twaddle if ye ask me, much like the imaginary king before him, *shifty eyes* At least he's an elf! That'll get right up the Yewlander's noses. Though no doubt they'll twist things so that they can still steal coins from peasants, interfere with with livestock and invade defenceless towns using the name of the king, elf, imaginary or otherwise to suit their motives. (http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/2672/king1yx5.jpg) *signed* Raiden, Commander. |