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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Linaeus on January 19, 2009, 06:23:09 am

Title: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on January 19, 2009, 06:23:09 am
(OOC Note: This thread contains every issue of the Covetowne Gazette in chronological order, from oldest to newest.)

This collection brought to you by the Read The Gazette More Foundation.

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on January 19, 2009, 06:24:11 am
The Covetowne Gazette - The World's Least Biased Newspaper


This week Cove was rocked by a series of brutal muggings, robberies, and vile acts of vandalism perpetrated by a dastardly group known only as the "Habberdashers," often shortened to "The Hats." Little is known about these criminals except what their victims have managed to stammer through their tears and wails of despair.

"e' wore 'ah blood red waistcoat an' 'ah straw hat," stammered young Aeryn O'Niall before bursting into tears as she remembered the night when she was nearly killed by one of the well-beheadwared fiends.


Reports of other incidents, such as graffitti on the walls of the Church, random and vicious muggings, break-ins, and spontaneous acts of verbal assault have been reported.


"What is shocking," said one Covian man, "is that the Army has seemingly done very little to stop these criminals. I can hardly sleep at night knowing these people are on the loose!"

One guardsman we spoke with waved the criminals off as a "petty street gang." The question remains; who are they, what do they want, and who is leading them?
Torrak Keres and Kas Valentine arrested, Tried, and....WHAT!?

In other news, Watchman Torrak Keres and Regular Arcanist Guardsman Kas Valenwytchtine were arrested this previous week on charges of Conspiracy to Commit Murder. This Sunday they were tried on those charges!

The trial went rather poorly, with the audience repeatedly interrupting and hurling projectiles at the defendants. Undaunted, they made their stand.

Sources from inside the courtroom report that the prosecution made a strong case, and that for a long time it seemed the guardsmen were doomed. However, Watchman Keres, sources said, made a heroic defense, refuting many of the prosecution's claims before finally sitting down. Regular Valentine, likely to avoid incriminating himself, only asked Mister Keres one question before retiring.
As the trial drew to a close, the Magistrate returned to the room to announce the verdict...

NOT GUILTY on the charges of Conspiracy, "But"..

Before he could finish, several Yewish Militiamen accosted him and, showing their true attitude towards the Lord's Justice, assaulted both the Magistrate and the Defendants! When the proverbial smoke had cleared, the Yewish were marching Regular Valentine out of the room while Watchman Keres hid behind a table.

Have the Yewish lost their minds? Does Yew no longer recognize the authority of the Church? Is Regular Valentine destined for the gallows, as that vile wytch deserves? What was the Magistrate going to say before he was interrupted?

Stay posted for the answers to these questions and more with...

- Linaeus C. Blackwind; Reporter, Editor, Printer

(OOC Note: The names in the journals in screenshots are not IC knowledge under any circumstances. This newspaper is liberally tossed about on the ground and front steps throughout town the morning after it is printed, and the stories in it are IC information. The names mentioned -in the text- may be treated as IC information.)

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on January 19, 2009, 06:25:02 am

The Covetown Gazette; The Least Biased Newspaper In The World

Missing; "Lucky"
An illustration of the most likely fate of the dog.

Cove was not really surprised shocked this week when a small dog went missing from its owner's front steps after reportedly biting a strange man's finger. While the fate of the dog, ironically named 'Lucky', is unknown, the fact that a straw hat was left on the steps where it formerly resided has led many to believe that Lucky is the latest victim of the notorious 'Hats'.

Vesperians Hold Animal Cruelty Festival; Casualties Unknown
Vesperians; Menace To Animalkind?

This weekend was a grim day indeed for the world's animal population, as the people of Vesper held their annual Festival of Creatures. Curious, Mr. Linaeus Blackwind of the Gazette attended this festival. What he saw there was nothing short of hilarious horrifying.

In one event, the Vesperians pitted pairs of gorillas against one another in savage fights  to the knockout death. In another, innocent people were challenged to wrestle alligators, risking life and limb for gold. Sergeant Grayner of the Covian Army found his head between the jaws of one of the beasts and only narrowly escaped. The alligator reportedly escaped the fight with several chipped teeth and a cracked jaw. Most horrifying of all, the third event pitted men against a gigantic, wytchcraft-spewing beetle. Mr. Blackwind was bullied into facing the beast, and barely escaped with his life! One by one, people stepped into the ring, only to be trampled by the enormous insect moments later.

Among the concussed were several apes, alligators, Skarans, one Covian Sergeant, and a colony of ants crushed underfoot as Mr. Blackwind fled for his life from the evil beetle.

Interview With Commander Morana

During the Festival, Mr. Blackwind had the pleasure of sitting down to speak with the Covian Army's Command himself. While the conversation was very enlightening, very little was learned from it. Commander Morana dodged several questions about the recent crime wave, calling it "more of a ripple," and, when asked if the investigation was making any progress, stated that "[They're] not going to divulge how [they're] getting on." When asked if the Army had any suspects, he replied that they had a resounding "few."

"But the buggers best watch their step." Morana concluded.

Next the conversation moved to the recent trial in Yew. Morana stated that the "The Yewish taking the law into their own hands nay surprises him." When asked about the fate of Regular Valentine, the Commander stated that he did not know his current status nor whereabouts, but that the Covian Army is doing everything in its power to ensure his safe return. Morana further stated that the last thing on Cove's agenda is war with Yew, despite recent events.

- Linaeus Carolus Blackwind; Reporter, Editor, Printer

(OOC Note: The names in the journals in screenshots are not IC knowledge under any circumstances. This newspaper is liberally tossed about on the ground and front steps throughout town the morning after it is printed, and the stories in it are IC information. The names mentioned -in the text- may be treated as IC information.)

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on January 19, 2009, 06:27:59 am
*the entire paper is printed in ellaborate calligraphy*

The Covetowne Gazette - The Least Biased Newspaper In The World

Stories fabricated investigated, written, printed, and distributed by Linaeus C. Blackwind, esquire. Artistic license assumed with all sketches. Take seriously at your own risk.

Cove's Treasury Falls Into A Solen Hole
Sources within the Bank of Cove have flatly refused to state that Cove's treasury is running alarmingly low. For this reason, one can only assume that it is. Furthermore, a brief trespass trip to the Barracks revealed that a meager sum of twenty-two-thousands rests within the Army Coffers.

Is Cove going bankrupt? The bank wont say.

The Phantom Radish
The army was recently launched a brief, pointless enquiry as to the whereabouts of Cove's Radish crop. Unbeknownst to the guardsmen running the investigation, Covian farmers do not grow Radishes - its a chiefly Vesperian crop. The result was several hours of Covian guardsmen dashing about questioning passerby about the fate of the Radish crop, several confiscated carrots, and an early harvest.

Cove's Finest; Still looking for those Radishes.

Hats On Holiday
Cove was shocked this week, as the notorious Hats failed to continue their practice of nightly rampaging for a third week.

"They're obviously trying to psyche us out," one Covian said "I mean really."

Though thankful for the brief lull in crime, many Covians have stated that they will be using this time to reinforce their doors, purchase and install metal bars for their windows, and learn to use a crossbow.

An alternate theory is that the Hats made off with the Post Office.

- Linaeus Carolus Blackwind, Reporter, Writer, Editor, Publisher

(OOC Note: The names in the journals in screenshots are not IC knowledge under any circumstances. This newspaper is liberally tossed about on the ground and front steps throughout town the morning after it is printed, and the stories in it are IC information. The names mentioned -in the text- may be treated as IC information.)

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on January 19, 2009, 06:28:42 am
The Covetowne Gazette - Because Covians Cant Afford Anything Better

By picking up this paper you have agreed to pay 25 crowns to Linaeus Blackwind the next time you see him. Artistic license assumed with all sketches; believe at your own risk. The Gazette is not responsible for emotional, physical, or financial harm inflicted by the reading, posession, or, in rare cases, burning of this pamphlet.

Army Disbanded: Keres To Blame?
Sources within the (former) Army state that the Army has, as of today, been disbanded. These sources further stated that the purchase of an unnecessarily expensive quiver for Watchman Keres was the singular cause of the Army's bankruptcy.

"Its entirely his fault, and he should be savagely beaten punished for it!," stated one citizen.

The quiver, which is allegedly lined with hardened dragon hide and studded with rare white gold, is purported to have cost upwards of one hundred thousand crowns. Why this expensive gift was purchased for Mr. Keres remains uncertain, but hints towards possible corruption within the ranks of the army.

"Cove is bwankwupt, and its awl Toe'rag Kar-rays' fault," a small child commented after reading the rough draft of this article.

Mercenaries Invade Cove
A Company of Mercenaries, under the command of former Army Commander Morana, and comprised of many former Covian Soldiers, has occupied Cove. Armed resistance is not recommended, as these men all look astonishingly menacing, and are likely capable of crushing a small child's head with a mere glance.

Ironically, sources have stated that there isnt much of a difference between this new force and the late Covian Army.

In other news, it is now possible to buy the Covian Army.

Keres Searching For Wife; As If Anyone Wants Him
It has been learned that, previous to his implication in the recent depression, former Watchman Toerag Torrak Keres was in the process of finding a suitable wife.

Sources stated that he was met with failure at every turn, as he even resorted to flirting with Trinsicans and Elves (as if the theres a difference). Furthermore, it has been learned, though spying, that Mr. Keres arranged a date with a Vesperian barmaid, but was promptly stood up by said Vesperian. Owch.

One cannot help but feel sorry for the man, as no one could possibly love him. This was further exemplified by his failure to impress even the Trinsicans, who are widely known for their liberal ways.

Torrak Keres: Unloved Economy Killer

- Linaeus C. Blackwind, Reporter, Writer, Editor, Publisher, Distributor
                                 The Covetown Gazette

(OOC Note: The names in the journals in screenshots are not IC knowledge under any circumstances. This newspaper is liberally tossed about on the ground and front steps throughout town the morning after it is printed, and the stories in it are IC information. The names mentioned -in the text- may be treated as IC information.)

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on January 19, 2009, 06:29:29 am
The Covetowne Gazette; So Much Better Than The Morning Poste

By picking up this paper you have agreed to pay 25 crowns to Linaeus Blackwind the next time you see him. Artistic license assumed with all sketches; believe at your own risk. The Gazette is not responsible for emotional, physical, or financial harm inflicted by the reading, posession, or, in rare cases, burning of this pamphlet.

Cove's Economy Climbs Back Out Of Solen Hole

Cove's Economy has, due in part to the actions of the Covian Mercenary Company, made an astonishing comeback. Sources have stated that, astoundingly, the notorious economy killer Torrak Keres has been involved in a large portion of these actions, and even led a few of them.

"I bet he's keeping more than his equal share of the gold." muttered one citizen.

Missions the Mercenaries have embarked on this week include several forays into the Orc Fort, a handful of trainings, and countless patrols. The army's coffers have begun to fill once more, leveling out at just over sixty thousands.

It Hasnt Snowed Yet - Why?


"I wish it would snow, I love the snow so much." said one small child, lamenting the conspicuous absense of snow thusfar this Avamass season.

"I hate the snow. It makes traveling so difficult." said one selfish old man, who obviously doesnt believe in Father Avamass and likely only got coal when he was a child.

"I blame Keres." said a more sensible man.

Although it is unknown why it hasnt snowed yet, some have speculated that it is the Guardian's doing. Obviously, they say, the lack of snow is a devious plot by the Guardian to make us all miserable. Another theory is that Avatar is seeking to punish Torrak Keres, who is from a colder climate and would likely enjoy the snow. The Church could not be reached for comment on this matter.

Kas Valentine Is Alive

"Damn." said one Guardsman Mercenary.

"He was missing...?" inquired another.

Although his whereabouts during his lengthy absense are unknown, by the looks of him he spent at least a portion of that time in the custody of the Yewish Militia - those Loyalist fiends. His face, normally not a hideous mass of bruises, has been reduced to a pulp.

Kas Valentine - Severly Bludgeoned But Alive.

- Linaeus C. Blackwind, Reporter, Writer, Editor, Publisher, Distributor, Proprietor
                                    The Covetown Gazette

(OOC Note: The names in the journals in screenshots are not IC knowledge under any circumstances. This newspaper is liberally tossed about on the ground and front steps throughout town the morning after it is printed, and the stories in it are IC information. The names mentioned -in the text- may be treated as IC information.)

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on January 19, 2009, 06:30:17 am
Special Edition, 12/16/08
The Covetowne Gazette; Because This Just Cant Wait

By picking up this paper you have agreed to pay 25 crowns to Linaeus Blackwind the next time you see him. Artistic license assumed with all sketches; believe at your own risk. The Gazette is not responsible for emotional, physical, or financial harm inflicted by the reading, posession, or, in rare cases, burning of this pamphlet.

                         Breaking News: Covetowne Gazette Causes Snowfall


Not two days after the publishing of an article questioning the absense of snowfall this Avamass season, it would appear a sizeable snowstorm has blown in! While it hasnt succeeded in completely covering the area, almost all forested areas are knee-deep in the tiny, fluffy, whiteish bits of ice.

The Covetowne Gazette; It Snows Because We Ask It To.

- Linaeus C. Blackwind, Reporter, Writer, Editor, Publisher, Distributor, Proprietor, Weatherman
                                            The Covetowne Gazette

(OOC Note: The names in the journals in screenshots are not IC knowledge under any circumstances. This newspaper is liberally tossed about on the ground and front steps throughout town the morning after it is printed, and the stories in it are IC information. The names mentioned -in the text- may be treated as IC information.)

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on January 19, 2009, 06:31:41 am
Important Notice #1, 12/29/08
*the entire notice is printed in unreasonably large, bold print*

The Covetowne Gazette - Currently Experiencing Ink Shortage

We're Sorry, We Know You Were Crushed

We're terribly sorry, but the past few issues of the Covetowne Gazette could not be published due to a conspicuous absence of an adequate ink supply. Sources within the Company have stated that this is the fault of one Kas Valentine. The sources failed to elaborate on this, but muttered something about a report.

*signed elaborately*
Linaeus Carolus Blackwind, esquire
Editor, Publisher, Proprietor, Owner, Writer, et cetera et cetera
The Covetowne Gazette

(OOC Note: The names in the journals in screenshots are not IC knowledge under any circumstances. This newspaper is liberally tossed about on the ground and front steps throughout town the morning after it is printed, and the stories in it are IC information. The names mentioned -in the text- may be treated as IC information.)

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on January 19, 2009, 06:32:20 am
The Covetowne Gazette: The World's Greatest Newspaper

By picking up this paper you have agreed to pay 25 crowns to Linaeus Blackwind the next time you see him. Artistic license assumed with all sketches; believe at your own risk. The Gazette is not responsible for emotional, physical, or financial harm inflicted by the reading, posession, or, in rare cases, burning of this pamphlet.

Recruit Walter Darkmoore Seen Kissing Man

Rumors of manloving in the Company were confirmed today when a note from an anonymous but undoubtedly trustworthy source revealed that Mercenary Recruit Walter Darkmoore was seen kissing an unknown man. When questioned on the issue, Recruit Darkmoore assaulted Gazette correspondant Lucius I. Edwards. Mr. Edwards escaped without serious injury, but was visibly shaken.

Covian Manloving Company?

Company Terrorizes Covetowne


Residents of Covetowne awoke last evening to the sound of their doors being kicked in as the Company, in a training exercise, went from house to house searching for another group of Mercenaries. When the second group was found, the two groups briefly exchanged blows, declared a victor, then started over again.

"Oh Crap." remarked one citizen as the Mercenaries began preparing for round two.

Especially hard hit was the Armorer's, which was previously set fire to and raided during the Great Radish Scare. The Company blamed the Hats.

Torrak Keres Embarks On Reign Of Terror

Mercenary Torrak Keres, sources have stated, has recently embarked on a campaign of death, destruction, terror, and smashed windows. He started by leading a several hour long, grueling, soul-crushing training, which several attendees did not survive. Afterwards, sources state, he led his men on a hike that left many attendees' feet bleeding.

A Gazette official, sources say, watched in horror as Mr. Keres strolled casually by his home, stopped, scooped up a rock, and hurled it through a second floor window of Editor Blackwind's home.

Torrak Keres - scourge of Cove.

- Linaeus C. Blackwind, Editor in Chief, Reporter General, Primary Publisher,
                                      Writer, and Distributor.
                                     The Covetowne Gazette

- Aided by Lucius I. Edwards, Reporter and Crier.

(OOC Note: The names in the journals in screenshots are not IC knowledge under any circumstances. This newspaper is liberally tossed about on the ground and front steps throughout town the morning after it is printed, and the stories in it are IC information. The names mentioned -in the text- may be treated as IC information.)

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on January 19, 2009, 06:33:48 am
The Covetowne Gazette - The World's Least Biased Newspaper

By picking up this paper you have agreed to pay 25 crowns to Linaeus Blackwind the next time you see him. This is not a joke. Artistic license assumed with all sketches; believe at your own risk. The Gazette is not responsible for emotional, physical, or financial harm inflicted by the reading, posession, or, in rare cases, burning of this pamphlet.

Covians Breach Gazette Contract

See above.

Shocking news has reached Gazette officials that the contract agreed to by the picking up of this pamphlet has been violated by a disturbing 99.999999% of Covians. "This," an impartial and completely unbiased source within the Gazette staff whose salary absolutely is not paid by this income said, "is completely unacceptable."

"They're blatantly breaking the law!", said a local banker.

"Deadbeats." remarked an accountant.

"I dont see why I should have to pay for a stupid pamphlet that just tells me what I already know!", cried one perifidious purveyor of falsehood and deceit whose opinion is neither wanted nor even considered reliable.

In other news, this absense of payment has been mentioned as a possible cause of the once again late publishing of the Gazette.

Orcs Muck About, Promptly Kicked In Teeth

Reports have been coming in all week of a moderately sized group of orcs that have been attempting, and failing, to ravage the town for days now. Sources state that they are consistently thwarted at every turn, be they attempting (and failing) to trade peacefully - which resulted in a hostage situation - or engaging in a homicidal rampage.

Orcs, being a rather unintelligent race, are commonly known for their inability to think about anything except mating, violence, and money. It is a wonder, then, that the Orcs are able to gather into groups of such size without simply killing one another over the latest bounty.

Reported incidents of Orc-related violence in and around Cove include several attempts to kill Mercenaries for no apparent reason, countless demands for tribute (most commonly resulting in repeated kicks to the oral cavity), and a handful of assumedly well-planned but nevertheless unsuccessful attempts to do something relatively intelligent like establish trade.

Orcs - repeatedly failing at everything they do.

Vesper Apparently On Brink Of Civil War

Sources, namely Sergeant Grayner, within the Company have stated that the Republic of Vesper is on the brink of Civil War after an unspecified series of assumedly horrendous offenses by someone or another. Unfortunately, not much else has been learned about this apparently imminent conflict except that Chancellor Van Cocidius and Militia Captain Escaflowne are apparently at odds.

In keeping with its outstanding ethical guidelines, the Gazette will refrain from speculating on the matter, except to say that, if war breaks out, it will certainly be the fault of some manner of cunning trick being played by the Loyalists to pit the Rebels against one another.

Vesper - Apparently At War With Itself.

- Linaeus C. Blackwind, Editor in Chief, Reporter General, Primary Publisher,
                                      Writer, and Distributor.
                                     The Covetowne Gazette

- Aided by Lucius I. Edwards, Reporter and Crier.

(OOC Note: The names in the journals in screenshots are not IC knowledge under any circumstances. This newspaper is liberally tossed about on the ground and front steps throughout town the morning after it is printed, and the stories in it are IC information. The names mentioned -in the text- may be treated as IC information.)

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on January 19, 2009, 06:40:29 pm
The Covetowne Gazette - Fashionably Late

By picking up this paper you have agreed to pay 25 crowns to Linaeus Blackwind the next time you see him. This is not a joke. Seriously. Artistic license assumed with all sketches; believe at your own risk. The Gazette is not responsible for emotional, physical, or financial harm inflicted by the reading, possession, or, in rare cases, burning of this pamphlet.

Kas Valentine, Crossdresser

The Infamous Arcanist Kas Valentine was found yesterday clad in women's attire. When questioned, he stated that they were "a whore's clothes". Shortly thereafter, Chancellor Van Cocidius of Vesper mentioned that Kas had murdered said whore and taken the aforementioned clothes. While the Gazette was unable to confirm these charges, it is difficult to believe that the Chancellor of Vesper would joke in such a way.


The Hats Have Been Destroyed

Or so says Kas Valentine. During an interview last eve, Editor Blackwind inquired as to the state of the ongoing Company investigation into the notorious band of evildoers. Mr. Valentine had the following to say;

"The hats have been destroyed as of Sunday, yesterday."

Reports of recent muggings, robberies, burglaries, assaults both physical and verbal, and a handful of murders do little to support this claim. It seems that the Army, and now the Company, have failed to crush this gang. If they cant defeat a petty street gang, how can they be expected to fend off the Yewish, the Orcs, and the numerous monsters that plague the countryside?

                     Is the Company really doing its part to keep Cove safe?
                                                   You decide.

Cove Interferes In Vesper Conflict

In what has been called a despicable act of treachery, the Company has entered the Vesperian Civil War on the side of the Chancellor and his Trading Company allies. While it is a well known fact that Mercenaries are loyal to nothing but the coinpurse, it comes as a shock to many that Cove would abandon former ally and Militia Captain Escaflowne. It would seem that the Company values the coins of a Merchant more than the lives of their past allies.

The Covian Mercenary Company - Allies For Hire

- Linaeus C. Blackwind, Editor in Chief, Reporter General, Primary Publisher,
                                      Writer, and Distributor.
                                     The Covetowne Gazette

- Aided by Lucius I. Edwards, Reporter and Crier.

(OOC Note: The names in the journals in screenshots are not IC knowledge under any circumstances. This newspaper is liberally tossed about on the ground and front steps throughout town the morning after it is printed, and the stories in it are IC information. The names mentioned -in the text- may be treated as IC information.)

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on January 27, 2009, 02:20:43 am
The Covetowne Gazette - Consistenly Late

By picking up this paper you have agreed to pay 25 crowns to Linaeus Blackwind the next time you see him. This is not a joke. Seriously. Artistic license assumed with all sketches; believe at your own risk. The Gazette is not responsible for emotional, physical, or financial harm inflicted by the reading, possession, or, in rare cases, burning of this pamphlet.

Keres Botches Raid, Dozens Die

Over the weekend Mercenary Torrak Keres, alond with a company of Mercenaries, were seen boarding a reportedly stolen vessel and sailing off into the early morning mist, bound for the Orc Fort. In the distance, the faint glows of flaming arrows could be seen as they arced towards the small vessel. Likely due to some manner of vile wytchery, Miraculously, the ship made it to the Orcish docks unscathed. At this point, our contacts lost sight of the vessel and its cargo of Mercenaries, but told the following story based on what they heard;

Mercenary Keres managed to crash his vessel into sandbars and rocks several times along the way, prolonging his crew's exposure to Orcish ranged attack. When he finally reached the docks, he and his men disembarked under a hail of arrows and bolts, charging forward with little organization or planning and only just barely breached the outer defenses of the Fortress. A brief brawl within the walls ensued, ending with the Company being forced back onto the docks, where they fought a desperate battle to hold their beachhead. After making several more failed assault, resulting in numerous casualties, Mercenary Keres finally requested reinforcements. It would seem that at this point Keres threatened his men with death should they be defeated, and that his men, for fear of their lives, managed to snatch victory from the hands of the Orcish chieftains. The Company then made a hasty withdrawal from the fort, burning the docks as they departed.

Early casualty reports estimate that dozens of men died in what was supposed to be a surprise, lightning-fast raid. This, along with previous incidents, have only served to make Keres' incompetence even more apparent than it previously was.

Torrak Keres - unable to accomplish even the most simple of tasks.

Mercenary Leads Daring Mission Into Karnaugh

Sources within the Company have stated that late last week Mercenary Raven led a daring mission into Ilshenar's Pass of Karnaugh, a region known for boasting a population of beasts as multitudinous as it is deadly. These sources further stated that among this population of horrendous horribles are Ancient Liches, Gigantic Arachnids of Various Species, Massive Masses Of Rotting Flesh and Bone, and a very thick layer of dust.

Mercenary Raven, however, apparently fears no crypt-dweller. He led his men through the ratman-infested woodlands of Islenar, though the Dragon-nested mountains, and finally into the abyss itself. For hours the small contingent of Mercenaries fought tooth and nail, rending rotted flesh from dried bone as they cut a gorey swathe through the ranks of undeath. Nothing could stop this daring band of brawlers, as they cut neatly through the fortress and into the forests that lay beyond the pass before making their way home with a hefty sum of gold and hundreds of undead lying broken on the cold stone floors of Karnaugh Pass.

The only negative aspect of Raven's expedition was the decision to bring the infamously incompetent Torrak Keres along.

- Linaeus C. Blackwind, Editor in Chief, Reporter General, Primary Publisher,
                                      Writer, and Distributor.
                                     The Covetowne Gazette

- Aided by Lucius I. Edwards, Reporter and Crier.

(OOC Note: The names in the journals in screenshots are not IC knowledge under any circumstances. This newspaper is liberally tossed about on the ground and front steps throughout town the morning after it is printed, and the stories in it are IC information. The names mentioned -in the text- may be treated as IC information.)

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on February 04, 2009, 04:44:42 am
Important Notice #2, 2/3/09
The Covetowne Gazette - Issue Postponed

By picking up this paper you have agreed to pay 25 crowns to Linaeus Blackwind the next time you see him. This is not a joke. Seriously. Pay up. Artistic license assumed with all sketches; believe at your own risk. The Gazette is not responsible for emotional, physical, or financial harm inflicted by the reading, possession, or, in rare cases, burning of this pamphlet.

February 3rd Issue Postponed

As you have all undoubtedly noticed, via the empty feeling that most get when the Gazette is not published in a timely fashion, this week's issue of the Gazette has been postponed indefinately. Reasons for this include a general refusal of reporters to admit that the Company was defeated by Vesper (the people would never believe such a blatant lie) last evening and an impromptu decision by Editor Blackwind to go on holiday for no readily apparent reason.

Aside from the abruptness of Blackwind's leave-taking, it is generally agreed by the intellectual elite of Cove that he deserved a holiday. The Gazette is sure that its readers will all agree. So sure, in fact, that requests that any who disagree promptly hurl themselves down a flight of stairs. In other news, there are reports of Loyalist activity in and around Altmere. This has nothing to do with Mr. Blackwind's escape temporary relocation to an unspecified but undoubtedly loyalist proof relaxing locale.

While the Gazette regrets that it was unable to supply its readers with the hitherto semi-consistent stream of reliable slander information, it would like to take this opportunity to remind them that relaying information in a completely unbiased form is incredibly difficult work - alike to slaying a golden balron with a toothpick.

Gazette Editors - Vacationing Because They Can.

- Lucius I. Edwards, Reporter and Crier, Acting Publisher and Issuer-of-Important-Notices

(OOC Note: The names in the journals in screenshots are not IC knowledge under any circumstances. This newspaper is liberally tossed about on the ground and front steps throughout town the morning after it is printed, and the stories in it are IC information. The names mentioned -in the text- may be treated as IC information.)

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on February 09, 2009, 02:25:44 am
February 8, 2009
The Covetowne Gazette - On Time For Once

By picking up this paper you have agreed to pay 25 crowns to Linaeus Blackwind the next time you see him. This is not a joke. He has to eat too, you know! Artistic license assumed with all sketches; believe at your own risk. The Gazette is not responsible for emotional, physical, or financial harm inflicted by the reading, possession, or, in rare cases, burning of this pamphlet.

Due to a failure of Covian to pay the aforementioned fee, only one story will be told in each issue.

Loyalists Fail To Navigate, Incite Violence

Over the past week it has been reported that the Loyalist forces of Yew have made several forays into Covian lands, well within the borders set by the Minoc Accords. The first of these was an ambush on a Covian Sentry at the Altmere Road Fort - the border between Covianshire and Rebel Altmere. The second was a cowardly assault on the Baron that nearly resulted in a skirmish.

The Amsbush was staged, according to Mercenary Torrak Keres, "loik ten Waywatchers" against a handfull of Mercenaries attempting to keep the Altmere road open and safe. Sources state that some time into the Sentry a Waywatcher approached the fortifications on the side nearest to Cove complaining that the Sentry was in Loyalist lands, which it clearly was not (the border with Loyalist Altmere was a considerable distance up the road). After a brief exchange of words in which sources state the Company did everything in its power to defuse the situation, the Waywatchers began their attack! Utilizing cowardly tactics and concentrated assaults, the Covian force was gradually reduced to only a few men, before finally being forced from their garrison and scattered into the woods.

The second incident was at the Grand Reopening of the Green Goblin tavern, during which a Waywatcher was seen lurking near the treeline before hurling a snowball at the Baron. The Mercenaries that were prepared and armored at the time jumped into action, while the rest ran off to retrieve their weapons. After a brief chase, the Waywatcher in question, along with another one, were peacefully apprehended, questioned, and escorted to the Border.

Unsurprisingly, it was Torrak Keres who was in command of the defeated sentry.

- Linaeus C. Blackwind, Editor in Chief, Reporter General, Primary Publisher,
                                      Writer, and Distributor.
                                     The Covetowne Gazette

- Aided by Lucius I. Edwards, Reporter and Crier.

(OOC Note: The names in the journals in screenshots are not IC knowledge under any circumstances. This newspaper is liberally tossed about on the ground and front steps throughout town the morning after it is printed, and the stories in it are IC information. The names mentioned -in the text- may be treated as IC information.)

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on February 19, 2009, 02:48:00 am
February 16, 2009
The Covetowne Gazette - Much better than the Word of the Worker

The Gazette is now accepting donations. All Sketches contained within are completely accurate. The Gazette is not responsible for emotional, physical, or financial harm inflicted by the reading, possession, or, in rare cases, burning of this pamphlet.

Militia Offensive Repulsed


This Tuesday the Company once again engaged the rebelling Vesperian militia in battle. Though the Militia fought valiantly, twice driving the Company from their positions, they suffered heavy losses and were twice repulsed themselves. As the battle hung in the balance, last-minute reinforcements arrived on the field and gave the Trade Union the morale boost it needed. General Stirling and Commander Morana immediately put these fresh troops to use.

In what was to be the fifth and final charge of the day, the Union breached and stormed a set of heavily defended Militia fortifications and, after several minutes of fierce but nevertheless one-sided fighting, ejected the rebels from their positions and forced them from the island.

With Vesper's elections looming and the Civil War still raging as fiercely as ever, many are beginning to wonder what will happen in the coming weeks. Will there be peace in Vesper at last? Will the disunion and bloodshed continue? Will the War have caused irreparable damage to Chancellor Van Cocidius' election chances? Will the misguided rebel leader Escaflowne run against the Chancellor? Only time will tell.

Tensions With Yew Mount


In the wake of recent events such as the cowardly Waywatcher assault on the Altmere Road Outpost, the Baronial Snowball Incident, and the more recent capture of a Yewish Spy, tensions have begun to mount between Cove and Yew. While there have been no major engagements, the Altmere Incident proves that the current peace is a fragile one. Indeed, many Covians and Vesperians alike have called for the immediate liberation of Altmere and Minoc.

Meanwhile, a Covian diplomatic mission to Yew - aimed towards promoting cooperation and peace - was met with nothing but thinly-veiled Yewish warmongering. Sources within the Company state that at one point a Yewish Guardsman even struck the Commander, nearly causing hostilities to erupt on the spot. However, in a heroic display of discipline and self-control, the Company rushed to their Commander's aid and, never once lashing out in retaliation, calmly marched home.

With a tempest raging in Vesper and the dark cloud of Loyalist oppression looming in the West, it seems that dark days lie ahead. Even as it pleads for peace, Cove finds itself preparing to meet blade with blade to defend its lands and preserve its freedom.

- Linaeus C. Blackwind, Editor in Chief, Reporter General, Primary Publisher,
                                      Writer, and Distributor.
                                     The Covetowne Gazette

- Aided by Lucius I. Edwards, Reporter and Crier.

(OOC Note: The names in the journals in screenshots are not IC knowledge under any circumstances. This newspaper is liberally tossed about on the ground and front steps throughout town the morning after it is printed, and the stories in it are IC information. The names mentioned -in the text- may be treated as IC information.)

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on February 23, 2009, 05:53:41 am

The Covetowne Gazette - Also better than the Trinsic Beacon

The Gazette is now accepting donations. All Sketches contained within are completely accurate. The Gazette is not responsible for emotional, physical, or financial harm inflicted by the reading, possession, or, in rare cases, burning of this pamphlet.

Torrak Keres Killed In Action

Cove, Vesper, and Yew face off in New Haven.

Last evening was a grim evening indeed, as several skirmishes with the Yewish Militia occurred throughout Cove, Vesper, New Haven, and Stonekeep. Participating in almost all of these was Covian Hero Torrak Keres. Unfortunately, preliminary reports have stated that "The Keres" did not survive the last of these encounters.

The first battle took place early in the evening, with several Yewlanders making an attempt on Commander Raiden Morana's life, in retaliation for some  undoubtedly imagined offense. However, the alarm was raised and aid promptly arrived, defeating several of the Loyalist scum and forcing the rest to withdraw without accomplishing their objective. The Loyalists had failed in their pathetic attempts to slay one of Cove's Finest.

Later in day, sources state, Mercenary Keres was leading a small group of three or four Covians on a recruitment expedition in New Haven. They spent nearly an hour there, bolstering the ranks of the Company and Cove's Citizenry. All seemed to be going well, when, suddenly, the Yewish and Vesperian Militias marched into the square. Vesper, seemingly lost, merely stood off to the side while the Yewish quickly set about their usual routine - attempting to provoke the well-disciplined Covians into initiating a fight. Keres, it is said, spent much time while his men traded insults with the Yewish, trying to convince the large Vesperian force present to come to his men's aid.

"Surely," he said, "If you don't help us rid New Haven of these scum now, they will turn on you as well as soon as we've been routed!"

However, his pleas fell on deaf ears. Vesper, citing the recent Civil War, refused to come to the rescue of the Covian squad. The Covians braced for battle as the Yewish took aim. Just when it seemed that four of Cove's Finest were to be swept away by the cowardly puddle of grey-clad sheeplovers before them, Keres gave the order to do the unthinkable; Retreat! The Squad quickly withdrew from the Square, as Yewish arrows whirred uselessly past.

But Keres would not be intimidated by the Yewish and return home a coward, so he ordered his men to return to New Haven with orders not to engage them except to aid the Vesperians. When the Covians arrived they found the Yewish routed.

Grave news came, however, as one of the Vesperians reported that Captain Escaflowne had been captured. Keres and his brave men braced themselves for the coming conflict, and extended an offer of aid to the already battle-weary Vesperians. They accepted, and the four Covians marched alongside the red-clad Vesperians into the heart of Stonekeep. Up the stairs of the prison they marched, and they knocked heavily on the grimly-wrought iron doors. A hapless Yewlander, not expecting to see the might of the North on the doorstep, flung open the doors and the combined Vespero-Covian force stormed into the prison and rescued their Captain.

Upon returning to the Vesperian Militia Headquarters, however, the force found themselves pursued by Yewish reinforcements. Rallying to face their common foe, the Yewish were easily beaten back. Keres dismissed his men, and began walking back to Cove with Recruit Leander Le Blanc.

What happened next is somewhat unclear, but what has been learned has made even this stoic reporter tremble with rage. As the already wounded Torrak Keres reached the barracks, several armed Yewlanders sprung out of the shadows and felled he and Le Blanc in a cowardly ambush. Cove's Hero, a veteran of many a conflict, an idol to his men, the primary source of material for this paper, and famous storyteller...

...had been murdered by revenge-crazed, violence-loving, cowardly Yewlanders on Covian Soil!

Even worse, Le Blanc stated that he saw a Templar of the Avatarian Church aiding in the Ambush! Has the Yewish Church forsaken Valor, Honor, Honesty? Justice? These are grim times indeed, when even the Clergy cannot be depended on to show a shred of decency. Corruption in the Yewish Church is obviously as rampant as it is in the Yewish Militia!

What will Cove do to avenge this great loss? Will Yew be made to pay for their aggression? Will Vesper and Cove band together once more under the common banner, not of the Vesper Trade Union, but of The Northern Alliance? Pray that they do, dear reader, and, Avatar willing, there will be brighter days ahead.

- Linaeus C. Blackwind, Editor in Chief, Reporter General, Primary Publisher,
                                      Writer, and Distributor.
                                     The Covetowne Gazette

- Aided by Lucius I. Edwards, Reporter and Crier.

(OOC Note: The names in the journals in screenshots are not IC knowledge under any circumstances. This newspaper is liberally tossed about on the ground and front steps throughout town the morning after it is printed, and the stories in it are IC information. The names mentioned -in the text- may be treated as IC information.)

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on March 04, 2009, 12:43:44 am

The Covetowne Gazette - Also better than the Trinsic Beacon

The Gazette is now accepting donations. All Sketches contained within are completely accurate. The Gazette is not responsible for emotional, physical, or financial harm inflicted by the reading, possession, or, in rare cases, burning of this pamphlet.

Church Attacked!


This evening Cove was shocked upon discovering that a brutal triple-murder had been committed on the very steps of the Church. Yet more disconcerting Covians was the shocking realization that the Church was, in fact, on fire. Mercenaries and Citizens briefly struggled against the fire before eventually extinguishing the fire. Luckily, the Church suffered only superficial damage. The same cannot be said for the three people murdered outside - all of whom suffered several shooting, stabbing, and slashing wounds. One was allegedly even stomped on several times.

The Church was, as expected, unavailable for comment on the matter. Therefore, the Gazette will take this opportunity to state that it is generally assumed the Church would've said the following;

"The heathens who didst commit this vile and heretical act shalt be brought swiftly to justice."

Who exactly is responsible for this crime is unclear, but the Company assures us that they will be taking all necessary measures to capture the culprit(s) and bring bring them to justice.

In other news...
Torrak Keres isnt actually dead.
Patrols to the Orc Fort have become increasingly dangerous as a more intelligent band of Orcs seems to have taken up residence there.
There are rumors going around that a Cult of Guardian-worshippers has moved into Town.

- Linaeus C. Blackwind, Editor in Chief, Reporter General, Primary Publisher,
                                      Writer, and Distributor.
                                     The Covetowne Gazette

(OOC Note: The names in the journals in screenshots are not IC knowledge under any circumstances. This newspaper is liberally tossed about on the ground and front steps throughout town the morning after it is printed, and the stories in it are IC information. The names mentioned -in the text- may be treated as IC information.)

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on March 11, 2009, 03:11:11 pm
11th March 2009

The Covetowne Gazette - The only real newspaper there is.

The Gazette is now accepting donations. All Sketches contained within are completely accurate. The Gazette is not responsible for emotional, physical, or financial harm inflicted by the reading, possession, or, in rare cases, burning of this pamphlet.

Recruits Kidnapped, Tortured


The recent kidnapping and torturing of two recruits and almost nightly attacks in Covianshire have been attributed to a Cult of Guardian Worshipers. The group allegedly arrived in Cove early last week, posing as travelling Monks, and quickly set about their dark doings. Just as rumors of their presence were only beginning to circulate, they found their first victim; Mercenary Recruit Me'an Silen. The elf was apparently found in a set of ruins, badly burned, with his hands pinned to an old altar with daggers. Although he was rescued in time, he is still recovering from his injuries.

Later that week, Recruit Abigail Keres - sister of infamous economy killer and recruit murderer Torrak Keres - was also attacked. She was found with her hands and feet nailed to the very same altar in the same way as Recruit Silen. Furthermore, she was cut in several places and her clothes had been stripped away. It seems that the heretics' plan was for the poor girl to freeze to death.

"Dey obviously nay evah met som'ones s'from Daggar Isle, t'ijjits." remarked Torrak Keres.

Miss Keres was also rescued in time, and has since been treated and released from the Hospital. We at the Gazette wish her a restfull and speedy recovery.

However, the events of this past weekend suggest that relaxation will not be an option. According to Recruit Silen, the Cultists, through some vile ritual that the Gazette will not even begin to speculate as to the details of, burnt away their skin and now exist as walking skeletons! It seems that when the Church is away, the Guardian will play. Sources within the Company state that patrols and sentries in Covianshire have become increasingly dangerous as Orcs and Undead become increasingly bold in their attacks.

Will the Company see to it that this threat is quickly eliminated? Will the Church intervene and drive these vile creatures back to the abyss? What is certain is that for the time being, nowhere in Covianshire or the Glenmores is safe. Sources withing the Company have futher stated that it is recommended that no one travel alone or unarmed through Covianshire until further notice. For now, the casualties continue to mount.

In other news...
Sentries along the Vesper-Altmere road have been ambushed.
Orcs and Undead have made forays into the Household itself.
Recruits Abigail Keres and Leander Le Blanc are reportedly dating.
Torrak Keres has allegedly assaulted and threatened Recruit Le Blanc.
Commander Morana is engaged to a Swaggers Barmaid.

- Linaeus C. Blackwind, Editor in Chief, Reporter General, Primary Publisher,
                                      Writer, and Distributor.
                                     The Covetowne Gazette

(OOC Note: The names in the journals in screenshots are not IC knowledge under any circumstances. This newspaper is liberally tossed about on the ground and front steps throughout town the morning after it is printed, and the stories in it are IC information. The names mentioned -in the text- may be treated as IC information.)

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on March 18, 2009, 12:30:35 am

The Covetowne Gazette - The Least Biased Newpasper In The World

The Gazette is now accepting donations. All Sketches contained within are completely accurate. The Gazette is not responsible for emotional, physical, or financial harm inflicted by the reading, possession, or, in rare cases, burning of this pamphlet.

Altmere Burning

Corpses piled high, blood running in rivers to the bay, hundreds of carrion birds circling overhead, a stench worse than that of the vilest of wytches’ dens – this is the current scene in the Loyalist-occupied Covian province of Altmere. The Yewish militia, under direct order by Captain Bladius Dart, has set about forcefully removing the native Altmerians to make room for immigrant sheep farmers. Those who refuse to move, and those who cannot move, have their property seized and they are given the choice to either flee their homes or face a Yewish sword. The Word of the Worker describes this as “…the careful management of the Yewish Militia.”

Is this what the Loyalists call prosperity? Surely the Yewish do not judge their success on how much innocent blood they can spill? Or do they? Let us examine the many other times that the Butcher’s Militia has lied to the world to justify the slaughter of innocents;

The Mill Massacre, obviously engineered by pro-war elements of the Yewish Militia, was blamed on the Covian Army. Are Yew’s borders so insecure that a Covian detachment could slip, unseen, into the heart of their city, slaughter a dozen innocent civilians, and then casually march out? I say nay! How, then, did a dozen Yewish citizens suddenly turn up dead? The answer, dear reader, is simple. As the Border Wars ground to a halt and a stalemate was beginning to develop, it seemed imminent that the Yewish plan for conquest would be thwarted – their dream of grazing their sheep on the verdant plains of Altmere would never come true. But deep in the dark and sinister fortress of Stonekeep, their vile Captain devised an equally vile plan. He would rally the Militia, no matter what the cost – and, indeed, that cost would prove to be great. It is no coincidence that only a few days after the massacre, the Loyalist Horde finally crossed the river into the borderlands.

Another fabrication of the Yewish warmongers is the false claim that Cove has inflicted any manner of harm upon the good people of New Haven. Quite the contrary, Cove has journeyed to Haven on several occasions to remind the people that they do not stand alone against their Yewish tormentors. For weeks, concerned citizens of New Haven have been taking members of the Company aside to beg them for aid – saying the Yewish have bullied them, taken their homes for use as barracks, savagely beaten dissenters, murdered those who do not bow to their will, and forcefully conscripted their children into the Yewish militia. Not content to commit the atrocities, the Loyalist scum have seen fit to accuse Cove of them!

Does this look like a raid to -you-?

I was not aware that libel is legal in Yew. I was shocked to find that murder, torture, unjust imprisonment, and forceful occupation of a friendly state are common Yewish practices. I was horrified to learn that the Church of Yew has at every turn supported the Militia’s ever growing quest for blood.

Now, as the Yewish Militia grows bored of bullying and harassing the innocent people of New Haven, it looks to Altmere for its next fix. Will the world stand idly by while innocent people are forced from their homes under threat of torture and death? While the bloodthirsty Yewish war machine grinds ever closer to its ultimate goal of world domination? While rogue states such as Yew spread chaos and war, even as foul monsters and evil men wander the streets of Trinsic, Britain, Skara Brae, Vesper, Minoc, and even Yew itself? Or will the world open its eyes and finally see Yew for what it truly is – a cesspool of hatred, corruption, warmongering, and greed?

In other news...
Torrak Keres has been promoted to Corporal.
Undead and Orcs have been harassing travellers in Covianshire.
New Haven has asked the Company to guard its streets against Yewish banditry.
The Northern Alliance has been disbanded; future Vespero-Covian relations uncertain.
Yew's Word of the Worker newspaper revealed to be blatanly libelous.

- Linaeus C. Blackwind, Editor in Chief, Reporter General, Primary Publisher,
                                      Writer, and Distributor.
                                     The Covetowne Gazette

- Aided by Lucius I. Edwards, Reporter and Crier.

(OOC Note: The names in the journals in screenshots are not IC knowledge under any circumstances. This newspaper is liberally tossed about on the ground and front steps throughout town the morning after it is printed, and the stories in it are IC information. The names mentioned -in the text- may be treated as IC information.)

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Raiden Morana on March 20, 2009, 12:38:23 pm
*A letter printed on behalf of Commander Morana to the readers of the Covetowne Gazette*

After hearing of Captain Dart's comments in the Word Of The Worker I feel that I must address the readers of the Covetowne Gazette in a similar fashion. Though, to be fair, today's news is often tomorrow's bog paper in my house.

I share the Captain's concerns that elements within Cove, Yew, Vesper and indeed beyond, concern themselves with trying to fuel the rivalry between our towns in the hope that it escalates into open hostility. I can also confirm that the Captain and myself have and will continue to discuss various avenues to maintain the relative peace between Cove and Yew, as I believe we both understand where the next threat to a peaceful and prosperous Sosaria lies.

However, it concerns me to hear that Captain Dart may be ill informed by his advisors on certain issues.

While I'm heartened and encouraged to hear that the Captain has never "sanctioned" Yewish intervention in the Altmere, the fact remains that the Company garrison at the outpost there was actually situated within Covian borders and therefore Yewish forces had no right to assault it.

Though, it's somewhat understandable, in uncertain times such as these, that misguided events often transpire and perhaps the Waywatchers require better map reading skills or leadership. I would also like to make it absolutely clear that were it not for the absenteeism of the Loyalist forces charged with the security of the Altmere, the Company would not have been begged by it's inhabitants to offer aid in the first place.

As for the events reported in New Haven, I'd rather not comment directly. I believe the recent happenings there are plain enough for even the most narrow sighted of observers to see.

Raiden Morana, Commander.
For and on behalf of the Company and the Baronship Council.

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on March 26, 2009, 05:28:55 am
26th March 2009

The Covetowne Gazette - The Least Biased Newpasper In The World

The Gazette is now accepting donations. All Sketches contained within are completely accurate. The Gazette is not responsible for emotional, physical, or financial harm inflicted by the reading, possession, or, in rare cases, burning of this pamphlet.

Torrak Keres; Hopeless or Heroic?

Corporal Keres issues notice of eviction to occupying Vesperians' captain.

Corporal Torrak Keres is perhaps the most controversial figure currently living in Cove. During his seven months as a member of first the Covian Army, then  The Company, he has overcome a long series of setbacks and become one of the most hated and yet most loved citizens of Cove. But how did this seemingly incompetent, bumbling fool survive this long? To answer this question, we must look back to his life before joining the Army;

Torrak Keres was born some thirty six years ago to two poverty-stricken inhabitants of a small town on Dagger Isle. When he came of age, Torrak Keres enlisted in the town's militia. What exactly drove him to leave the island is unclear, but one is driven by his deeds in Cove to assume that he either killed a recruit or single-handedly obliterated the economy.

What is certain is that roughly seven months ago Keres enlisted in the Covian Army, and the town has been slowly spiralling towards destruction since.

However, it would seem that his subordinates in the Company hold him in high regards, despite his obvious lack of any leadership ability, fighting skill, or basic intelligence whatsoever.

We at the Gazette cannot begin to imagine why his men like Corporal Keres, with his strange fascination with walruses, dark sense of humor (see; "single handedly obliterated the economy"), and tendency to accidentally mortally wound recruits.

Torrak Keres - Why isnt he dead yet?

Vesper Makes Common Mistake

This past Sunday, the militia of the Republic of Vesper, led by their obviously bewildered and overeager new Captain, Damien Bedford, accidentally invaded Covianshire. Covian forces, led by the notorious Corporal Torrak Keres, quickly moved to remove the innocent interlopers from what they honestly believed to be their own land. The fools.

The resulting violence left dozens wounded, and saw the Vesperians unintentionally capture and successfully defend a foothold in the Covian province of Covianshire. However, the poor, confused souls believed they were in Vesparicia Province! Hahah!

Similar mistakes have been made in the past by everyone from the Royal Guard to an Orc Horde, to crazed Kaldorians, to bloodthirsty Yewlanders, to Skara Braeans. The one thing all of these groups have in common seems to be a general inability to remember exactly where their territory ends and the territory of the Baronship of Cove begins. Really, does Covianshire look like part of Vesper to you? The distinct lack of even a single bridge suggests that it does not!

Unfortunately, it seems the Vesperians' ignorance of their own borders may lead to an even larger conflict. Let us hope that no Covians get "lost" in Vesparicia, or we may have a border war on our hands!

The Vesperians - Someone please give them a map and sextant.

In other news...
Company enlistment rates reach all-time high as warriors from around the world flock to join.
Recruit Leander Le Blanc receives promotion to Mercenary, plus a medal for excellent writing skills.
The Baron is forced to hand over his favorite cap to a "hideous peon" prior to Sunday's Parade.
Former Commander Shadwell's leg indeed not growing back; hopes of many dashed.
Wife-to-be of Commander Morana savagely beaten, becomes most recent victim of the Undead and Orcs roaming Covianshire.


- Linaeus C. Blackwind, Editor in Chief, Reporter General, Primary Publisher,
                                      Writer, and Distributor.
                                     The Covetowne Gazette

- Aided by Lucius I. Edwards, Reporter and Crier.

(OOC Note: The names in the journals in screenshots are not IC knowledge under any circumstances. This newspaper is liberally tossed about on the ground and front steps throughout town the morning after it is printed, and the stories in it are IC information. The names mentioned -in the text- may be treated as IC information.)

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on April 02, 2009, 02:53:04 pm

The Covetowne Gazette - The Least Biased Newpasper In The World

The Gazette is now accepting donations. All Sketches contained within are completely accurate. The Gazette is not responsible for emotional, physical, or financial harm inflicted by the reading, possession, or, in rare cases, burning of this pamphlet.

Vesper Rising

Vesperian Invasion Force

This past Sunday, the Militia of the Republic of Vesper seized a complex of mining tunnels long considered Covian territory. It is generally believed that this was an attempt to cripple Cove's defenders by limiting their ore supply. Unfortunately for our redcloaked friends, they seem to have overlooked the Glenmores. However, this does little to excuse what can only be described as an undeclared war on Cove, instigated by the winner of the recent Vesperian elections, the treasonous and previously defeated former Captain Escaflowne.

Not content to drive innocent Covians from the border regions, the Vesperian swine are now attempting to drive Covian prospectors from the Covetous mountains. It seems that the fools have forgotten the last few wars they've waged against Cove. Most noteworthy, one in which Cove was granted exclusive rights to the aforementions Covetous mines.

Breaking treaties, attacking former allies, and driving innocent people from their homes seems to be a common theme in Vesper these days. With the warmonger Damien Bedford as Militia Captain, and the dimwit Escaflowne as Chancellor - both of them traitors to the nation they now lead - one supposes that this was inevitable. After all, Vesper always has been known to turn on its allies as soon as they're no longer useful.

What Vesper will do next is unclear. One wonders whether they'll next make a move to recapture the now loyalist-held City of Minoc. Or will they make further moves into Covianshire, and on to Cove itself? What is clear is that Vesper is on the warpath, and Cove is in its way.

In other news...
Aliryl Trefynwyd promoted to Officer Cadet - new Corporal on the rise?
Warriors continue to flock to Cove to join the Company.
Immigration rate reaches all time high.
Yew and Cove enjoy relative peace, as Vesper seeks to break it.
Commoner Raen missing after his home is burnt down, foul play evident.
- Linaeus C. Blackwind, Editor in Chief, Reporter General, Primary Publisher,
                                      Writer, and Distributor.
                                     The Covetowne Gazette

- Aided by Lucius I. Edwards, Reporter and Crier.

(OOC Note: The names in the journals in screenshots are not IC knowledge under any circumstances. This newspaper is liberally tossed about on the ground and front steps throughout town the morning after it is printed, and the stories in it are IC information. The names mentioned -in the text- may be treated as IC information.)

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Raiden Morana on April 17, 2009, 08:01:56 am

The Covetowne Gazette - Also better than the Trinsic Beacon

The Gazette is now accepting donations. All Sketches contained within are completely accurate. The Gazette is not responsible for emotional, physical, or financial harm inflicted by the reading, possession, or, in rare cases, burning of this pamphlet.

Festive Celebrations In Cove.

Last Saturday eve saw a festive treat in Cove as up and coming Commoner Penny Freckletip hosted a feast in the town square, which was followed by an egg hunt.


The feast was a grand occasion, visited by Commander Morana, Sergeant Hoagie and Burgher Axiana Takeamada as well as off duty Company members, townsfolk and travellers. With the feast and subsequent egg hunt, won by Mercenary Kado Gael, being such a success it is rumoured that Miss Freckletip will soon receive her Citizen Papers and become an accepted citizen of Cove.

Relations With Vesper Worsen.

It's rumoured that a Covian delegation returned from a meeting with Vesperian officials in poor spirits. My sources suggest that attempts made by Commander Morana to bring an end to the border dispute and reforge old alliances was rebuffed by Chancellor Escaflowne and Captain Bedford, who I am led to believe, were more interested in puffing their own chests and eyeing Vesper's future domination of the lands.


Meanwhile reports from outlying settlements throughout the Covian Shire claim livestock being slaughtered, resources being stolen, men, women and children being attacked or carried off. It is thought that the Vesperian Militia is behind these crimes.

In Other News.

The Baronship Council announces plans for a May Day weekend Festival in Cove.
The Commander's marriage to Railen of the Swaggers is thought to be just one of a number of events to take place during the three day festival.
Reports confirm that the Commoner Raen was killed in the recent fire at his home. Many locals point their finger at Vesper.
Off duty Company mercenaries apprehend mugger during a recent market held in Cove.
Yewish and Covians enjoy a harmonious evening at the Green Goblin tavern during one of Officer Cadet Trefynwyd's regular relaxation evenings.


The Company Is Recruiting


Having risen from the ashes of the disbanded Covian army, The Company continues to fight for freedom and against tyranny wherever and whenever required.

The unit is looking for men and women to bolster it's ranks for the challenges ahead as it aims to build on it's fierce reputation gained liberating Vesper from the greedy clutches of it's own militia.

The Company offers a clean slate, a new start to those wishing to join up, it will not judge a warrior's past as long as that past has been put to rest. Anyone bringing their troubles with them to The Company will be expelled, or worse.

If you value freedom or wish to leave your former life behind, contact Commander Morana at pigeon cage: 205754768.


- Linaeus C. Blackwind, Editor in Chief, Reporter General, Primary Publisher,
                                      Writer, and Distributor.
                                     The Covetowne Gazette

- Aided by Lucius I. Edwards, Reporter and Crier.

(OOC Note: The names in the journals in screenshots are not IC knowledge under any circumstances. This newspaper is liberally tossed about on the ground and front steps throughout town the morning after it is printed, and the stories in it are IC information. The names mentioned -in the text- may be treated as IC information.)

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on May 05, 2009, 11:01:38 pm

The Covetowne Gazette - Everything we print is true.

The Gazette is now accepting donations. All Sketches contained within are completely accurate. The Gazette is not responsible for emotional, physical, or financial harm inflicted by the reading, possession, or, in rare cases, burning of this pamphlet.

The Yewish Flu?

A new and deadly disease is rumoured to have been taking lives! The disease takes the form of a nasty flu, which apparently is mainly associated with close contact with sheep. Much of Yew is devastated due to this new virulent form of the flu, and much of their militia is currently rumoured to be incapacitated. Cove need not be alarmed, as this "sheep flu" is localised to Yew, but there is a fear of it spreading to other parts of Sosaria, causing a pandemic. Especially the Glenmore highlands are at risk, as the locals there are known for their special relations with their sheep.

(http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/2315/uo0336.jpg) (http://img259.imageshack.us/my.php?image=uo0336.jpg)
A nervous Khaelieth with Abra the shepherd and one of the reservoirs of disease

Khaelieth Llelmandred Kellenwyr Sereghyanda, cunningly disguised as a human, interviewed a local Yewan shepherd who was still able to work, though was sneezing a lot throughout the entire interview. When asked how close the contact had to be with the sheep for people to contract this disease the shepherd was awfully closemouthed, only muttering something about "intimate relations."

In other news...
Commander Morana marries Railen Beryl of Swaggers.
Orcish attacks increase - surprise assault on May Day festival thwarted.
Peace Talks over Minoc to commence in Moonglow soon.
Altmere still not free.
Vesper attempts (poorly) to repair damaged relations with Cove.
Yew and Cove friendly for the first time in years, will it last?
Sergeant Keres successfully defends Baronial Honor in duel with Yewish militiaman.

- Article by Khaelieth Llelmandred Kellenwyr Sereghyanda

- Edited by Linaeus C. Blackwind,

- Assisted by Lucius I. Edwards.

((OOC disclaimer; the above is one of the many unfounded rumors commonly published by the Gazette. In (RP) reality, there is no epidemic spreading through Yew.))

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Raiden Morana on May 19, 2009, 01:58:14 pm

Rejoice! Cove's coffers overflow once more! And the Covian Army is reborn!

Despite the efforts of slapdash Trinsican sailors and orcish raiders to see it at the bottom of the big blue, the Treasure Fleet did in fact arrive in Cove and it's contents entered into the once bare Covian coffers.

The appearance of Orcish corsairs caused the Trinsican seamen to panic splitting the fleet's formation and allowing the greenskins to board vessels one by one as they entered Cove bay.


However gallant fighting by the members of the Company, including a daring counterattack led by Commander Morana to recover a few trinkets stolen by the orcs, saw that the coins, gems and jewelry delivered by the Treasure Fleet were entered safely into the coffers and not some stinking orc hovel. And thus Cove's monetary turnaround was complete.

No longer would she be obliged to hire her brave warriors out to the highest bidder in order to bolster the economy. Financial security had been achieved and the Covian Army reborn!


In other news:
A Covian recruit explodes after testing a strange purple wine for the Baron.
Newly appointed Grenadier Sergeant Keres gets a haircut. His polished pate invoking memories of Grenadier legend Gimbly.
Commander's wife becomes Green Goblin manageress and is also with child.
Rumours claim Officer Cadet ShadowHand has taken a Yewish lass as his bride in a secret ceremony.


- Linaeus C. Blackwind, Editor in Chief, Reporter General, Primary Publisher,
                                      Writer, and Distributor.
                                     The Covetowne Gazette

- Aided by Lucius I. Edwards, Reporter and Crier.

(OOC Note: The names in the journals in screenshots are not IC knowledge under any circumstances. This newspaper is liberally tossed about on the ground and front steps throughout town the morning after it is printed, and the stories in it are IC information. The names mentioned -in the text- may be treated as IC information.)

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on May 24, 2009, 01:34:18 am

The Covetowne Gazette - The only real newspaper there is.

The Gazette is now accepting donations. All Sketches contained within are completely accurate. The Gazette is not responsible for emotional, physical, or financial harm inflicted by the reading, possession, or, in rare cases, burning of this pamphlet.

Covian Army Repels Vesperian Attack On Stonekeep

A detachment of Covian guardsmen, led by Grenadier Sergeant Torrak Keres, headed to Stonekeep this eve upon hearing that the Yewish had taken several Vesperian prisoners and that the Republic had declared war on Yew. One of the prisoners in question was wanted in Cove on charges of spying and the guardsmen went to secure her into custody.

However as the band of Covians, led by a single Waywatcher entered Stonekeep the prisoner they had come to secure had escaped Yewish bonds and was legging it up the road. As Cove's guardsmen ventured further into the 'Keep a large Vesperian force was smashing into the Yewish militia.

Covian forces save Stonekeep from the Vesperian hordes.

The Covians formed and armed up under orders from Commander Morana but did not engage. The Commander tried to reason with the overwhelming Vesperian force but the attack did not abate and thus, the guardsman of Cove were ordered to engage the rampant Vesperians.

One by one the red garbed warriors fell or fled until the Commander Morana and his men secured Stonekeep with the help of the few Yewish who were not bloodied and cleaved. As always the Covians did what was right. Defending the weak against the bully, even if it did mean helping the Yewish into the bargain.

Another Covian victory!

Vesper declares War on Yew. (page 2)
Covian Soldiers slay eldritch creatures, vol. 9562. (pages 3-7)
Cove and Yew allies? Lucius Edwards investigates. (Page 8)
Vesperian Imperialism: The Red Menace (page 8-10)

- Linaeus C. Blackwind, Editor in Chief, Reporter General, Primary Publisher,
                                      Writer, and Distributor.
                                     The Covetowne Gazette

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on May 30, 2009, 03:42:33 am

The Covetowne Gazette - Everyone's Favorite Paper

The Gazette is now accepting donations. All Sketches contained within are completely accurate. The Gazette is not responsible for emotional, physical, or financial harm inflicted by the reading, possession, or, in rare cases, burning of this pamphlet.

Severe Weather Batters Cove

Fast action by the Covian Army prevents disaster, containing the flood waters to the immediate area of the docks.

A series of severe storms past week culminated last night in what, were it not for the quick action of the Covian Army, could have been an utter disaster. It seems that just as the most recent of this week's storm was rolling in, and the waters of the Bay of Cove began to rise, a fast thinking citizen rushed to the Army Barracks and raised the alarm. The Army rushed to the scene, where the waters had already begun to spill over the banks, and hastily constructed a levee.

The water rose gradually, until it'd completely covered the docks and everything up to the levee. Fortunately for the good people of Cove, the raging waters were halted by the stalwart barriers, and receded before morning. Cove has been spared a major disaster this time, but with more storms looming on the horizon, it seems only a matter of time before the levees are tested again.


The mariners of Cove were not so fortunate. Dozens of wrecks and groundings have been reported in the bay and along the coast of Covianshire. It is unknown at the moment how many vessels (and sailors) have been lost at sea as the result of this week's storms, but with winds and seas still high, it is certain that the numbers will continue to rise.

In other news...
List of ships and crew lost at sea, (page 2-3)
Weather predictions for the next 5 days, (page 4)
Severe weather survival guide, (page 5)
The Deluge (short story), (Page 6-10)

- Linaeus C. Blackwind, Editor in Chief, Reporter General, Primary Publisher,
                                      Writer, and Distributor.
                                     The Covetowne Gazette

- Aided by Lucius I. Edwards, Reporter and Crier.

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Raiden Morana on July 03, 2009, 10:47:13 am

Cowardly Attack As Vesper Defiles Ceasefire
& Acts Of Cannibalism Reported In The Republic!

Free men of Cove and citizens of Sosaria!

By the good grace of Baron Octiovus of Cove I bring ye the gravest of news.

Vesperians defile the ceasefire!

Last eve in a cowardly action, Vesperian forces ambushed Covian and Yewish guardsmen as they sought to return the body of the late Tanya Dart from Cove to her homeland of Yew.

Overwhelming Vesperian forces first attacked a decoy party and then the main body, capturing the casket containing the corpse of the Yewish Captain's dead wife.

However as the full might of Cove and Yew regrouped and sought to reclaim the casket the cowardly Vesperians were nowhere to be found.

Later that eve, battered and bruised Covian guardsmen were victim to another cowardly Vesperian attack as they sought a peaceful ale in the comfort of the Swaggers Inn.

Rumours that the Vesperians had burned the casket containing Captain Dart's wife and snorted the ashes were soon allayed however as Chancellor Escaflowne declared that he and his men had feasted on the dead Waywatcher's remains.

When asked to comment by this reporter, a bloodied Commander Morana replied: "Bastards..."

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on July 06, 2009, 02:51:14 am

Linaeus Blackwind Murdered!

The gruesome scene.

This evening the corpse of Blackwind Company Executive, Editor of the Covetowne Gazette, and owner of the Dead Man's Hand casino Linaeus C. Blackwind was found, battered, outside the healers' in Cove Towne. When it was discovered, the corpse was lying in a pool of blood - presumably its own - with a badly smeared word written in that very blood upon a nearby wall (presumably by the later Mr. Blackwind). It is uncertain what exactly it said, but what could be read was "M-L--CT-N". Upon the chest of Mr. Blackwind, the words "Swift Is Next" were seared.

Mr. Blackwind's body was found with both arms torn out of their sockets, both legs broken at the knees, and his rigcage broken and collapsed, with several rib fragments poking through the skin. The Army would not comment, except to speculate that the letters on the wall might read "Melancton", the name of the infamous leader of the insidious organization known as the Collegium.

Vesper Cannibalizes Yewish Captain's Wife's Corpse (Page 2)
Chancellor Esca Flowne: War Criminal? (Pages 3-5)
Peace with Yew: What does it mean? (Page 6)
Casca Truce: The Eye of the Storm? (Page 7)

- Geralt T. Swift, Acting Editor, Publisher, and Writer
                   The Covetowne Gazette

Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Raiden Morana on July 09, 2009, 11:46:03 am

Vesperians Are Insane... Official!!!

This reporter can definitely confirm that Vesperian Guardsmen are as queer as folk.

One minute they are slaughtering Covian soldiers minding their own business, sunning themselves on a beach, then they're ambushing funeral processions and cannibalising fallen enemies or attacking unarmed and wounded Covians as they seek a quiet drink at the neutral Swaggers Inn... Only to, in the next breath, seek to be made welcome in Cove's own tavern, the Green Goblin.

What does go on in their vodka soaked, 'shade mushed brains? Who do they think they are that they can commit these atrocities one minute and then brazenly flaunt their feminine headwear in an attempt to get served at the North's busiest tavern the next?

One Goblin regular commented: "Some Vesperian showed up. In that 'orrible uniform o' theirs, with the silly 'ats. Captain told 'im to bugger orf and the Commander said to sling 'is hook like and hop it. He didn't seem too pleased. But what do they expect? Murderin' scum..."

Join our brave boys in the Covian Army and give battle to the Red Menace!


Latest rumours...

Trade at the Green Goblin is booming. So much so that barstaff from around the lands flock to cover shifts at the prestigous tavern.
Cove's Captain seen canoodling in the Goblin's snug.
Local businessman slain. Vesperian involvement suspected.




Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Raiden Morana on August 19, 2009, 11:59:42 am

Burnings, Battles & Butchered Babies...

Just your average happenings in the Baronship.

Guardsman Recruit Franki Lusion was hung and his body burned after confessing to a number of crimes, most notably the attempted murder of the Commander's wife, Railen Morana.

His drunken acts of violence against the staff of the Green Goblin tavern and his subsequent assault on the pregnant wife of Commander Morana led to his capture, imprisonment and subsequent execution.


His accomplice in these crimes but not in the attempt on Railen, the Goblin's acting Manageress' life, Guardsman Recruit Starkad was also imprisoned and flogged for his drunken deeds. Let this be a lesson to those Covians who think lawlessness will be tolerated.

On a brighter note the heathen forces of Vesper were routed and driven from Covian lands by our brave guardsmen aided by the Yewish and their allies. The massed ranks of Vesper's wytches could not stand against the onslaught of Grenadiers and Besiegers as they blasted the Red Menace out of Cove.


Sadly this, as all battles was not without it's casualties. Though the death of a barmaid's young daughter during a Vesperian reprisal attack on Cove's tavern is a sad reminder of the atrocities of which Vesper and it's hirelings are constantly capable as they wage war on innocent civilians.


This reporter for one hopes that Vesper will be held accountable for these war crimes once this conflict has come to a close.




Title: Re: The Covetowne Gazette
Post by: Linaeus on August 25, 2009, 11:51:17 pm

Clergywoman Assassinated!

A grim day for all Avatar-loving men and women indeed, and an embarassing one for the Duchy Guard and Knights Templar. This evening, while spreading the word of the Lord to the masses gathered at the Moot, a Cleric of the Western Chapter of the Avatarian Church was brutally murdered by a deranged Vesperian woman.

Templi from the Western and Northern Chapters secure the fallen Sister's body after handing the assailant over to the Duchy Guard.

It all began when the Cleric's sermon on Women was nearing its end. Sergeant Reann of the Duchy Guard approached the Templi and demanded that they disarm, stating that the Duchy Guard and the Knights Templar had the security of the Cleric well in hand. No sooner had the Templi agreed to disarm than a woman leapt from the crowd, a cruel blade coated with a villainous toxin tearing into the Sister's unarmored flesh.

The Templi could not respond in time, and the Sister was slain. The assassin was quickly apprehended as she tried to flee the scene, her identity revealed as Elaine of Vesper. Those crowding around the Sister's corpse were adressed by Father Northwode of the Western Chapter, then dispersed so that the fallen Sister could be relocated and given a proper burial. The assassin now sits in a cell awaiting Trial.

The Duchy Guard has yet to comment on or acknowledge their embarassing failure to protect their esteemed guests from the Avatarian Church, but it is expected that many shall be much less confident in their so-called "Protection" in the future.

Obituaries (Pages 2-4)
Peace Talks: The Future and You (Page 5)
A History of Vesperian Expansionism (Pages 6-9)

- Geralt T. Swift, Acting Editor, Publisher, and Writer
                   The Covetowne Gazette