Title: The colour of the Church ! Post by: Kas Valentine on January 20, 2009, 06:17:22 pm With the battle against Lord Oaks long since completed I chose to have an evening stroll around Cove, peeking into our various holdings to be certain everything was in order. I had no cause for worry until I opened the doors to the church and took a step inside. Some callous vandal had daubed some of the pews with pink paint and there appeared to be animal footprints up the aisle in the same colour !
(http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/2905/42063868nj9.jpg) (http://imageshack.us) A quick sweep of the area turned up no clues besides a half eaten mushroom (with a distinctly potent aroma) and some clumps of white fur stuck to the pillar by the door. I inspected the footprints thoroughly but cannot place the species, a large pad with five toes if anyone can hazard a guess...? Here is a rough sketch I found in a book at Britain library, the smaller footprints are an exact match..... (http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/4903/bearjg1.png) (http://imageshack.us) Unfortunately the book had been vandalised and I could glean no further information. May the Avatar forgive and bless us with recruits eager to expunge the work of evil doers. Signed with sharp handwriting and sealed with a sign of the ankh, Veteran Mercenary Kas Valentine. |